UDС 615.322:542.06

  • Temurbek Atahanovich Hajibaev Institute of the chemistry of plant substances, Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Email: hajibaev84@mail.ru
  • Timur Farhadovich Ibragimov FE LLC Nobel Pharmsanoat Email: tim_icps@yahoo.com
  • Ravshanjon Muratjanovich Khalilov Institute of the chemistry of plant substances, Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Email: r.m.khalilov@mail.ru


Furostanol saponins from Tribulus terrestris may be separated from ballast substances by liquid-liquid extraction with changing polarity of the extractant, depending on the dynamics of the process. Treatment with chloroform removed the maximum number of lipid-like compounds and showed minimal losses of furostanol saponins, and subsequent treatment with ethyl acetate retrieved low-polarity substances. Fourfold extraction with butanol was used to extract furostanol saponins from an aqueous solution. Optimal conditions were developed for spray drying of furostanol saponins. The greatest yield of “Dry extract Tribulus” was obtained with a solution feed rate of 80 l/h, a spray head rotation speed of 8000 rpm, and a heat carrier velocity of 2000 kg/h. Technology was developed for obtaining “Dry extract Tribulus” from Tribulus terrestris that contained at least 45% furostanol saponins. The reproducibility of the developed technology was shown with the obtaining of 5 series of substances that meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation on the lines of the Scientific and Technological Center for GMP Requirements the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances.



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Биографии авторов

Temurbek Atahanovich Hajibaev, Institute of the chemistry of plant substances, Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan

Ph.D., senior researcher of the experimental and technological laboratory

Timur Farhadovich Ibragimov, FE LLC Nobel Pharmsanoat

candidate of chemical sciences, analyst chemist

Ravshanjon Muratjanovich Khalilov, Institute of the chemistry of plant substances, Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan

doctor of technical sciences, leading researcher of the experimental and technological laboratory


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Как цитировать
1. Hajibaev T. A., Ibragimov T. F., Khalilov R. M. OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR CLEANING AND DRYING FUROSTANOL SAPONINS FROM TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS // Химия растительного сырья, 2023. № 2. С. 327-33. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/11444.