Focus and Scope

Original scientific messages, reviews, short messages and letters are published in journal "Khimija rastitel'nogo syr'ja" ("Chemistry of plant raw material") in the edition, devoted to chemistry of the processes occurring at penetrating chemical processing both a plant complex as a whole, and its separate components, to creation of essentially new effective technological processes of complex processing of plant raw materials or improvement of the operating.

In journal following partitions are provided:

  • Anatomic, morphological and submicroscopic structure of plant fabrics and its role in processes of penetrating chemical processing.
  • Composition, structure and properties of macromolecular components of plant raw materials (cellulose, lignine, hemicelluloses).
  • Composition, structure and properties of the low molecular weight substances evolved from plant raw materials.
  • Transformations of the highest polysaccharides, lignine and other plant substances at chemical processing of plant raw materials without its division into separate components.
  • Improvement operating and creation of new technologies of chemical processing and modification of plant materials and their components.
  • Physiologically active connections on the basis of plant raw materials.
  • Ecology and chemical processing of plant raw materials.
  • Problems of formation in the field of chemistry and technology of plant raw materials.

One of the basic directions of a policy of journal - the publication of the original articles, satisfying to standards of high scientific quality.

The journal welcomes articles of debatable character.

The journal publishes also the information on the last conferences, scientific schools and other events of a domestic and international scientific life.

Peer Review Process

1. Articles in the journal "Khimija rastitel'nogo syr'ja" ("Chemistry of plant raw material") comes only through the log management system implemented on the basis of Open Journal Systems (OJS), hosted at All paperwork and correspondence is carried out only through the website.

2. Initial examination of the incoming articles held executive secretary and / or chief editor. At this stage the nature of the incoming message (for a review, experimental work, a short message, information about events, etc.); its compliance with the topics of the magazine; compliance with the rules for registration of articles the authors. In case of any comments, the article is sent for processing to the authors.

3. The next step is a review article on the merits. Article appointed reviewer (member of the editorial board or a reputable scientist working in the field) of an existing database in the log management system. Reviewer gets access to the article. Reviewing "double-blind"! Author unknown reviewer, the reviewer is not known to the authors and the organization in which they work. The time allowed for the preparation of the review to the reviewer - up to 1 month.

4. Upon receipt of the review article, the authors review the text and sent a request to correct an article in accordance with the comments of the reviewer or give a reasoned response, if the authors do not agree with the comments of the reviewer. All correspondence between authors and reviewers is conducted through the Secretary in charge of the magazine and stored online in the journal management system.

5. If between authors and reviewers appear insurmountable odds, you can assign additional reviews of this article. The opinion of the reviewer is a recommendation. The final decision on the possibility of publication of the article remains with the editor in chief.

6. The authors found to be in violation of the "Code of Ethics of scientific publications" (plagiarism) are recorded in the "black list" and their publication in a future article in the "Khimija rastitel'nogo syr'ja" ("Chemistry of plant raw material") will be limited.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the basis of the following principles: free open access to research contributes to global knowledge sharing.

General information

ISSN 1029-5151 Print, ISSN 1029-5143 Online

Quarterly Journal of theoretical and applied research has been published since 1997.

Transliteration of the Russian version of the journal titleKhimija Rastitel’nogo Syr’ja

Original scientific messages, reviews, short messages and letters are published in journal "Khimiia rastitel'nogo syr'ia" ("Chemistry of plant raw material") in the edition, devoted to chemistry of the processes occurring at penetrating chemical processing both a plant complex as a whole, and its separate components, to creation of essentially new effective technological processes of complex processing of plant raw materials or improvement of the operating.

The Journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, which should be published scientific results of theses for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences, approved by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (HAC).

The Journal is included in the following databases: the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (, journal page),  Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Index Copernicus, refereed journal "Chemistry"(VINITI).

The five-year (without self-citation) impact factor Russian Science Citation Index 2015 – 0,420

Every year the best articles published in English in a special issue of the journal Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry (№7), which is available on the platform SpringerLink.

Ethical Principles

The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of the Russian scientific periodicals, supported the Code of ethics of scientific publications, formulated by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (Moscow, Russia) and constructed taking into account the ethical work of editors and publishers, enshrined in Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Details of ethical principles the authors, editors and reviewers in the "Code of Ethics of scientific publications" by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

When using the materials you need to be sure to refer to the journal and articles authors. Free reproduction of material is permitted for personal use of the magazine and the free use of information, scientific, educational or cultural purposes in accordance with Art. 1273 and 1274 Ch. 70 hours. IV of the Civil Code. Other uses are possible only after the conclusion of appropriate written agreements with the copyright holder.

Publication of articles in the journal FREE.

Business model. Fee for publications. Access to full texts. Archiving policy

  • The publisher of the journal – Altai State University – incurs all the expenses for production and publishing of the journal, which includes organizing expert review, internet hosting and archivation.
  • The authors are not charged for submission, reviewing, publication.
  • Reviewing is not paid.
  • The printed copies of the journal are distributed according to subscription.
  • Full text files of all the archive and current issues of the journal are available on the site (open access).
  • Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
  • It is not possible to archive pre-prints (before peer-review) and post-prints (ready for publication, but not published yet). For archiving only Publisher's PDF versions are available immediately after publication, without embargo. When using the materials, there should be a link to the journal and the authors (to publisher version).

Journal History

The scientific journal "Khimija rastitel'nogo syr'ja" ("Chemistry of plant raw material") is organised in 1996 at support of the Russian fund of basic researches, and leaves with 1997. As its founders the Altay state university, the Altay regional centre of information of the higher school, the Siberian state technological university, the Krasnoyarsk state university, the scientific research institute of chemistry and chemical technology of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Krasnoyarsk), the Tomsk polytechnical university, the Tomsk state university, the scientific research institute of peat of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of agricultural sciences (Tomsk) have acted.