• Эльнура (El'nura) Эльдар (El'dar) Джафарова (Dzhafarova) Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Badamdar shosse, 40, Baku, AZ 1073 Email:
  • Латафат (Latafat) Ахад (Akhad) Мустафаева (Mustafaeva) Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Badamdar shosse, 40, Baku, AZ 1073 Email:
  • Сираджеддин (Siradzheddin) Велиевич (Velievich) Серкеров (Serkerov) Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Badamdar shosse, 40, Baku, AZ 1073 Email:
Keywords: Polygonum, anthocyanins, paper chromatography, spectroscopy


For the first time studied the quantitative and qualitative composition of the content of anthocyanins in flowers Polygonum aviculare L., collected in the phase of mass flowering in the territory of Gusar region of Azerbaijan Republic. The amount of anthocyanin plant material obtained by extraction with methanol containing 0,5% hydrochloric acid. The method of two-dimensional paper chromatography in the amount of 3 established the presence of anthocyanins, individual anthocyanins obtained by column chromatography using a sorbent acidic cellulose powder. Get 3 individual anthocyanin. It was found that two of them are derived from one of cyanidin and pelargonidin. Based on chromatography, chemical and spectral data was determined by their nature and anthocyanins were identifirovany both cyaniding-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside and pelargonidin-35 diglucoside. In total, the highest content accounted for derivatives of cyanidin. The content of anthocyanins in flowers, depending on the place of growth varies from 720 to 1013 mg% on wet weight.


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Author Biographies

Эльнура (El'nura) Эльдар (El'dar) Джафарова (Dzhafarova), Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Badamdar shosse, 40, Baku, AZ 1073
Leading Researcher, candidate of biological sciences
Латафат (Latafat) Ахад (Akhad) Мустафаева (Mustafaeva), Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Badamdar shosse, 40, Baku, AZ 1073
Chief Scientist, Doctor of Chemistry
Сираджеддин (Siradzheddin) Велиевич (Velievich) Серкеров (Serkerov), Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Badamdar shosse, 40, Baku, AZ 1073
candidate for a degree


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How to Cite
1. Джафарова (Dzhafarova)Э. (El’nura) Э. (El’dar), Мустафаева (Mustafaeva)Л. (Latafat) А. (Akhad), Серкеров (Serkerov)С. (Siradzheddin) В. (Velievich) COMPOSITION AND CONTENT OF ANTHOCYANINS OF THE POLYGONUM AVICULARE L. FLOWERS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 2. P. 103-107. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds