• Алибек (Alibek) Муратович (Muratovich) Альмагамбетов (Al'magambetov) JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009 Email:
  • Бахтияр (Bakhtiiar) Серикович (Serikovich) Темиргазиев (Temirgaziev) JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009 Email:
  • Игорь (Igor') Викторович (Viktorovich) Заварзин (Zavarzin) N.D. Zelinsky Institute of organic chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr., 47, Moscow, 119991 Email:
  • Вадим (Vadim) Вадимович (Vadimovich) Качала (Kachala) N.D. Zelinsky Institute of organic chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr., 47, Moscow, 119991 Email:
  • Перизат (Perizat) Какеновна (Kakenovna) Кудабаева (Kudabaeva) JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009 Email:
  • Бораш (Borash) Игликович (Iglikovich) Тулеуов (Tuleuov) JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009 Email:
  • Сергазы (Sergazy) Мынжасарович (Mynzhasarovich) Адекенов (Adekenov) JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009 Email:
Keywords: Silene brahuica Boiss, isobutanol extract, high-performance liquid chromatography, D-pinitol, phytoecdysteroids, ecdysterone


It is earlier established that phytoecdysteroids – important secondary metabolites of plants, for the first time in the genus Silene L. – Silene of Caryophyllaceae Juss family. (Caryophyllaceae) were found in plants of Silene praemixta M.Pop., then in Silene brahuica Boiss.

In the submitted article we carried out complex studying of a chemical profile of Silene brahuica Boiss., which is collected in the Southern region of Kazakhstan in natural habitats and is respectively prospective industrial and available source of the above mentioned important products of the secondary exchange of plants.

The purpose of work was phytochemical research of elevated part of Silene brahuica Boiss. on the accompanying biologically active agents which are present in plant, with use of the HPLC method and columnar chromatography.

It is established that at aqueous ethanol, and then isobutanol extraction the main components are phytoecdysteroids and for the first time cyclic polyol isolated with a quantitative exit from this plant. The thin structure of D-pinitola (1S,2S,4S,5R)-6- methoxycyclohexane-1,2,3,4,5-pentol), possessing anti-diabetic and hypoglycemic properties are characterized with use of NMR1H, 13C (HSQC, COSY, NOESY) – spectroscopy.


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Author Biographies

Алибек (Alibek) Муратович (Muratovich) Альмагамбетов (Al'magambetov), JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009
graduate student, junior researcher Laboratory of chemistry of steroid compounds
Бахтияр (Bakhtiiar) Серикович (Serikovich) Темиргазиев (Temirgaziev), JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009
doctoral PhD, Master of Engineering, Research Associate Laboratory of chemistry of steroid compounds
Игорь (Igor') Викторович (Viktorovich) Заварзин (Zavarzin), N.D. Zelinsky Institute of organic chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr., 47, Moscow, 119991
head of the laboratory of chemistry of steroids, Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Вадим (Vadim) Вадимович (Vadimovich) Качала (Kachala), N.D. Zelinsky Institute of organic chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr., 47, Moscow, 119991
Head of Laboratory, candidate of chemical science
Перизат (Perizat) Какеновна (Kakenovna) Кудабаева (Kudabaeva), JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009
engineer chemistry laboratory of steroid compounds
Бораш (Borash) Игликович (Iglikovich) Тулеуов (Tuleuov), JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009
Head of the Laboratory of Chemistry of steroid compounds, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor
Сергазы (Sergazy) Мынжасарович (Mynzhasarovich) Адекенов (Adekenov), JSC «International research and production holding «Phytochemistry», ul. Gazalieva, 4, Karaganda, 100009
Doctor of Chemistry, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board of JSC "International Research and Production Holding" Phytochemistry"


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How to Cite
1. Альмагамбетов (Al’magambetov)А. (Alibek) М. (Muratovich), Темиргазиев (Temirgaziev)Б. (Bakhtiiar) С. (Serikovich), Заварзин (Zavarzin)И. (Igor’) В. (Viktorovich), Качала (Kachala)В. (Vadim) В. (Vadimovich), Кудабаева (Kudabaeva)П. (Perizat) К. (Kakenovna), Тулеуов (Tuleuov)Б. (Borash) И. (Iglikovich), Адекенов (Adekenov)С. (Sergazy) М. (Mynzhasarovich) NEW PROSPECTIVE HERBAL SOURCE OF D-PINITOLA POSSESSING ANTI-DIABETIC AND HYPOGLYCEMIC PROPERTIES // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 3. P. 79-84. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds