• Юрий (Yurij) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Кожевников (Kozhevnikov) Limited Liability Company "SKIF Special Chemicals", Vostochnaja promzona, 7, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, 606000 Email:
Keywords: polyacrylamide binder recycled paper, fluting


The study of influence of 9 synthesized polyacrylamide polymer binders to the ζ–potential cationic demand mass, physical and mechanical properties of waste paper fluting – the absolute bursting strength, resistivity tear resistance plane compression, the compression resistance of the end considered in the work. 9 samples synthesized binder to improve strength paperboard in the dry state. All of them are a group of products with total sales "Ultrarez DS» mark with polyacrylamide based, but differ in the composition of the content of some specific monomers.

Check all the samples to dry binder hardening "Ultrarez DS» Paper take into account the content of active (dry) materials in the binder. The resin solids content of 12.5% is taken as normal. Resin "Ultrarez DS» diluted 10 times with water before being fed to a more uniform distribution of the resin in the paper pulp.

The composition of the pulp, which was introduced into the resin, composed of 100% recycled paper grade MS–5B, 2nd grade, in the dry state, in the form of scraps of corrugated cardboard. Recycled fluting used for the manufacture of fluting, junk ship – for the liner, which was separated from corrugated cardboard, waste paper constitutes a sample. Deinking Yokro milled in a mill at a concentration of 6% to 30 SHR and milled mass produced from castings weighing 125 g/m2.

A solution of aluminum polyoxychloride (Pohang) at a rate of 0.5 kg/t (dry Polioksihlorid aluminum) is applied to the pulp directly before applying the binder. Binder "Ultrarez DS», pre–diluted, is fed into the paper pulp after mixing with a solution of Pohang. First, a sample of fluting made without the addition of chemicals (blank sample 1), then the sample fluting cast with the addition of Pohang, a rate of 0.5 kg/t (blank sample 2), and then fluting samples produced with different adhesive costs – 2, 4, 6.8 kg/t.

Monitored indicators of pulp were zeta potential (ζ–potential) and cationic demand and fluting – physical and mechanical properties. The mechanical tests carried out according to standard procedures, after conditioning the samples at 23±1 ° C and a relative humidity 50%. It was found that all the binders have an effect on the properties of mass and quality of cardboard, but the strongest effect of reducing the z–potential and almost to zero decrease in cationic demand occurs when additives binders 3, 4 and 5. These binders are able to most effectively improve the mechanical properties of fluting.


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Author Biography

Юрий (Yurij) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Кожевников (Kozhevnikov), Limited Liability Company "SKIF Special Chemicals", Vostochnaja promzona, 7, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, 606000
руководитель научно-технических программа развития отдела инновационного развития, кандидат технических наук


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How to Cite
1. Кожевников (Kozhevnikov)Ю. (Yurij) С. (Sergeevich) STUDY OF COMPARATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF INCREASING STRENGTH RECYCLED FLUTING VARIOUS BINDERS «Ultrarez DS» // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 1. P. 151-156. URL:
Paper and cardboard