• Александр (Aleksandr) Викторович (Viktorovich) Антонов (Antonov) Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of FMS MOE Russia, ul. Severnaya, 1, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972 Email:
  • Надежда (Nadezhda) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Петрушева (Petrusheva) Lesosibirskiy branch of the Siberian State Technological University, ul. Pobedy, 29, Lesosibirsk, 662543 Email:
  • Юрий (Iurii) Давыдович (Davydovich) Алашкевич (Alashkevich) Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of FMS MOE Russia, ul. Severnaya, 1, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972 Siberian State Technological University, pr. Mira, 82, Krasnoyarsk 660049 Email:
  • Наталья (Natal'ia) Сергеевна (Sergeevna) Решетова (Reshetova) Siberian State Technological University, pr. Mira, 82, Krasnoyarsk 660049 Email:
Keywords: fiberboard, fire danger, the mathematical description of the object-functioning, optimal conditions


The paper presents the results of solving the problem of finding the optimal modes of grinding process in the manufacture of flame retardant hardboard to minimize energy consumption. The regression model of the second order, resulting from the implementation of a multifactorial experimental studies are presented and described in the previously published works provides a wealth of information on the influence of varying factors on output values. These models can be used to optimize conditions for the functioning of the object. Effective method of finding optimal conditions of operation of the facility, the regression equation of the second order method is quasi-Newton. The task of determining the optimum conditions of the grinding process in the manufacture of fire-resistant fiberboard wet method for grinding of wood chips was solved in two stages. The first stage was established the dependence of specific energy consumption from technological and constructive factors of the grinding process in the manufacture of flame retardant hardboard. In the second phase were identified following technological features of the grinding process wood fiber mass and design parameters of the grinding machines, where the value of the specific energy consumption was minimal. The solution of the problem will allow, by varying the design parameters of the grinding machines and technological characteristics of the process of grinding wood pulp, not only to obtain a wood-fiber plate with the desired properties, but also to reduce the consumption of electricity for production of an average of 7%. The economic effect from the use of optimum modes of grinding is equal to savings of conditionally constant part of the costs in the cost by reducing specific energy consumption and raw material costs, the profits of the enterprise by improving the quality of the finished fibreboard.


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Author Biographies

Александр (Aleksandr) Викторович (Viktorovich) Антонов (Antonov), Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of FMS MOE Russia, ul. Severnaya, 1, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972
Head of applied research and innovation, Ph.D.
Надежда (Nadezhda) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Петрушева (Petrusheva), Lesosibirskiy branch of the Siberian State Technological University, ul. Pobedy, 29, Lesosibirsk, 662543
assistant professor of technology logging and wood processing industries
Юрий (Iurii) Давыдович (Davydovich) Алашкевич (Alashkevich), Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of FMS MOE Russia, ul. Severnaya, 1, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972 Siberian State Technological University, pr. Mira, 82, Krasnoyarsk 660049
Head of Department of machines and devices of industrial technologies, doctor of technical sciences, professor
Наталья (Natal'ia) Сергеевна (Sergeevna) Решетова (Reshetova), Siberian State Technological University, pr. Mira, 82, Krasnoyarsk 660049
Associate Professor of the Department of machines and devices Industrial Technology


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How to Cite
1. Антонов (Antonov)А. (Aleksandr) В. (Viktorovich), Петрушева (Petrusheva)Н. (Nadezhda) А. (Aleksandrovna), Алашкевич (Alashkevich)Ю. (Iurii) Д. (Davydovich), Решетова (Reshetova)Н. (Natal’ia) С. (Sergeevna) THE SEARCH OF OPTIMAL TECHNOLOGICAL MODES IN THE PRODUCTION OF FLAME-RESISTANT FIBREBOARD // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 4. P. 151-157. URL: