UDC 631.527.8
The aim of the study is to determine the adaptive potential of wheat accessions grown in Eastern Siberia in terms of the total content of antioxidants (TAC) in the grain and 1000 grain weight, as well as to analyze the relationship between the adaptability indicators of accessions for these traits. The object of the study were 7 accessions of spring wheat, which were grown in three ecological points: Krasnoturansky GSU (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Beisky GSU (Republic of Khakassia) and Piy-Khemsky GSU (Republic of Tyva). The HTC values for these items were respectively: 1.50, 1.25, 0.93. For wheat accessions, 1000 grain weight and the TAC value were determined. Grain extraction was carried out using hot bidistilled water, the TAC level was measured on a Tsvet Yauza-01-AA device, gallic acid was used as a reference sample. For each of these traits, 5 adaptability parameters of wheat accessions were calculated: coefficient of ecological variation Cv, stress resistance index d, homeostatic parameter Hom, index of level and stability of the variety PUSS, stability factor SF. It is shown that the conditions for growing wheat (point) did not significantly affect the value of TAC in the grain. It was found that the variability of this trait is mainly due to the wheat genotype. It has been established that the optimal values of adaptability parameters and the smallest sum of ranks both in terms of TAC in the grain and in 1000 grain weight were characteristic of the same Omskaya Krassa wheat accession. A positive relationship was found between each indicator of adaptability in terms of the level of TAC in the grain and that in terms of 1000 grain weight, while the correlation was significant for the stability indicators Hom and PUSS. The recorded results suggest a high probability of obtaining wheat accessions with increased stability in terms of TAC in grain when selecting forms for high stability in terms of grain size and vice versa. The discovered effect is the basis of a new method for screening wheat genotypes for an increased level of adaptability in terms of the content of functional substances in the grain – antioxidants, using data on 1000 grain weight instead of the laborious method of their direct measurement for the corresponding calculations.
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