UDC 615.262.1

  • Nodira Takhirovna Farmanova Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Dilobar Hamid kizi Nurullaeva Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Elena Vladimirovna Zhokhova St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Roman Igorevich Lukashov Belarusian State Medical University Email:
  • Mariya Nikolayevna Povydysh St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
Keywords: technology, herbal preparations, maceration, extraction, dry extracts


In modern medical practice, a special place is occupied by herbal mixtures, the range of which is constantly increasing, and the list of indications for use is expanding. However, there are a number of inconveniences for patients when using them: the presence of an additional technological stage for obtaining an aqueous extract; lack of accuracy when dosing this form and a short shelf life at home. All this makes the search for new, more rational dosage forms based on fees relevant. Such dosage forms include dry extracts, which are obtained on an industrial scale. This type of total preparations can be used as an intermediate in the preparation of finished dosage forms (tablets, capsules, etc.), which are easy to use, well dosed and have a long shelf life. Purpose: development of technology for obtaining dry extracts from herbal mixtures - urological, nephrolytic and hypoglycemic. Materials and methods. Based on the use of medicinal plants in folk and scientific medicine, various compositions of herbal mixtures have been developed. On the basis of pharmacological screening, the most effective formulations were selected, which were chosen as objects of study: "Urological collection"; "Nephrolytic collection"; "Hypoglycemic collection". When obtaining dry extracts, the methods of maceration and repercolation were used. The quality of the obtained extracts was assessed according to the following indicators: appearance, authenticity, moisture content, heavy metals, microbiological purity, quantitative content of biologically active substances (polyphenolic compounds and polysaccharides). The technological parameters of the studied phytocompositions have been established. The optimal extraction conditions were determined: raw material fineness – 2–3 mm, extractants: 50% ethyl alcohol (“Urological”) and purified water (“Hypoglycemic” and “Nephrolytic”), the optimal ratio of raw materials and extractant is 1 : 30, temperature – 70–80 °С ("Urological" and "Nephrolytic") and 90–100 °С ("Hypoglycemic"). The optimal method for obtaining dry extracts from herbal mixtures, maceration, was experimentally selected. A technology for obtaining dry extracts from herbal mixtures has been developed, in particular, the influence of extraction conditions depending on temperature, the degree of grinding of raw materials, the type of extractant, the ratio of raw materials and extractant has been studied.


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Author Biographies

Nodira Takhirovna Farmanova, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

доктор химических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой фармакогнозии

Dilobar Hamid kizi Nurullaeva, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

доктор философии по фармацевтическим наукам (PhD), ассистент кафедры фармакогнозии

Elena Vladimirovna Zhokhova, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

кандидат фармацевтических наук, доцент кафедры фармакогнозии

Roman Igorevich Lukashov, Belarusian State Medical University

кандидат фармацевтических наук, доцент кафедры фармацевтической химии

Mariya Nikolayevna Povydysh, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

доктор биологических наук, доцент кафедры фармакогнозии


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How to Cite
1. Farmanova N. T., Nurullaeva D. H. kizi, Zhokhova E. V., Lukashov R. I., Povydysh M. N. TECHNOLOGY OF OBTAINING DRY EXTRACTS FROM HERBAL MIXTURES // chemistry of plant raw material, 2023. № 3. P. 303-310. URL: