UDC 631.878:631.417
Humic substances (HS) are a specific group of high-molecular biopolymers that are formed during the decomposition of plant and animal tissue. It has been established that humic substances have a wide range of biological properties, in addition, humic substances are quickly included in the processes of plant metabolism, which accelerates the development of the root system, increases resistance to adverse environmental factors. But to date, the nature of this phenomenon has not been studied enough. To deepen our understanding of the biological and growth-stimulating activity of humic substances, the influence of prepared solutions with different concentrations of humic substances on seed germination is considered. It has been shown that solutions of humic substances have a beneficial effect on seeds even in small concentrations.
This research work is devoted to the study of the main functional groups of humic substances, such as carboxylic, phenolic, quinoid. Various physico-chemical methods were used in the work to determine the functional and elemental composition of peat HS.
It has been established that peat HS have a stimulating effect and high physiological activity on the growth and biometric indicators of plants, which in the future can determine the increase in yield and quality of agricultural plants.
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