UDC 579.222.4+551.312.2
The results of studies of sphagnum peats in the northern part of the Vasyugan peat deposit are presented. Peat sampling points were planned based on the materials of detailed exploration. The samples were collected in the form of mixed samples, which were taken at 3–4 points from the middle of the genetic layer of the peat deposit, the core height was 0.5 m. The peat quality assessment was carried out on the requirements for peat as a raw material for different uses. It is shown that the ash of different types of sphagnum peats may have elevated values of Ca, Mg and Fe. It is revealed that the elemental analysis of sphagnum peats has individual features of their content. It was found that the group composition of the organic matter of sphagnum peats is characterized by a high content of water-soluble and easily hydrolyzed matters and a low content of humic and fulvic acids. At the same time, in two samples, an increased content of bitumen was noted (samples 2 and 11), and in sample 9, a high content of humic and fulvic acids was detected and at the same time a low content of water-soluble and easily hydrolyzed matters. It is revealed that it is impossible to reduce all the variety of peat properties only to the species characteristic and the degree of decomposition due to the wide variability of the leading and subordinate peat-forming agents in the peat composition. It is shown that the properties of sphagnum peats of the oligotrophic type of the studied territory show their suitability for the production of many types of products, and the duration of operation of these reserves stretches up to 200 thousand years.
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