• Надежда (Nadezhda) Константиновна (Konstantinovna) Чирикова (Chirikova) Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, North-Eastern Federal University, 58 Belinsky Str., Yakutsk, 677027 Email:
  • Даниил (Daniil) Николаевич (Nikolaevich Оленников (Olennikov) Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science, 6 Sakh’yanovoy Street, Ulan-Ude, 670047 Email:
Keywords: Galeopsis bifida, Lamiaceae, verbascoside, acylated flavone glycosides, HPLC, chemotypes, population, organ-specificity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity


The chemical investigation of Galeopsis bifida Boenn. (Lamiaceae; hemp nettle) which is a synanthropic plant species typical for the Siberian agrophytocenosis, fifteen compounds were isolated by means of the complex of chromatographic methods. Five phenylpropanoids (3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, caffeic acid, phaselic acid, lavandulifolioside, verbascoside, isoverbascoside) and three flavone glycosides [bignonoside – luteolin-7-О-(6′′-p-coumaroyl)glucoside, anisopholin В – apigenin-7-О-(2′′,6′′-di-p-coumaroyl)glucoside, echitin – apigenin-7-О-(2′′-p-coumaroyl)glucoside] were identified in G. bifida for the first time. The results obtained allowed to consider the certain issues of chemosystematics of the Galeopsis genus. The study of a number of G. bifida populations from Eastern Siberia by the chromatographic method (HPLC) showed that it may be possible the existence of different chemotypes with various chemical profile. In particular, in the populations from the south of Buryatia the presence of isoverbascoside was not revealed while a high content of 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, verbascoside and luteolin-7-O-glucuronide. The populations of G. bifida from the northern regions of Buryatia and Sakha (Yakutia) can contain isoverbascoside and accumulate terniflorin [apigenin-7-O-(6′′-di-p-coumaroyl)glucoside. The investigation of the chemical composition of separate organs showed the presence of organ-specificity in the accumulation of phenolic compounds. What is more, the ability to concentrate of some compounds was higher in the leaves and flowers than in other organs. The first realized study the biological activity of G. bifida showed that the herb extract has low toxicity and expressed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. Thus the data allow us to recommend the herb of G. bifida as a promising medicinal plant species for further research.


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Author Biographies

Надежда (Nadezhda) Константиновна (Konstantinovna) Чирикова (Chirikova), Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, North-Eastern Federal University, 58 Belinsky Str., Yakutsk, 677027
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Даниил (Daniil) Николаевич (Nikolaevich Оленников (Olennikov), Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science, 6 Sakh’yanovoy Street, Ulan-Ude, 670047
a leading researcher of the Laboratory of Biomedical Research, Doctor of Pharmacy


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How to Cite
1. Чирикова (Chirikova)Н. (Nadezhda) К. (Konstantinovna), Оленников (Olennikov)Д. (Daniil) Н. (Nikolaevich CHEMODIVERSITY AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE SINSNTHROPIC PLANTS OF SIBERIA. I. GALEOPSIS BIFIDA BOENN. (LAMIACEAE) // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 2. P. 33-46. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds