UDC 581.192(571.1)
The aim of this study was a qualitative and quantitative analysis of macro- and (ultra)trace elements, the main groups of biologically active substances (BAS) of organic nature in the shoots of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L., family Ericaceae), collected after fruit harvesting in the Tomsk region (Tomsk and Zyryansky districts). The study of the elemental composition was carried out after ashing using the methods of emission spectral and instrumental neutron activation analysis with irradiation with thermal neutrons. Determination of classes of BAS of organic nature and their representatives was carried out using chemical reactions, chromatography (sorbents: silica gel, cellulose) using reliable samples, spectroscopy in the UV, visible and IR rangles of the spectrum. As a result of applying the method of emission spectrometry, 45 elements were determined, among which 18 are (conditionally) essential. The macroelements K, Ca, P, Na, Si, Mg and the trace element Mn dominate in the composition of the ash of bilberry shoots after harvesting the fruits. Using the method of neutron activation analysis, the presence of 27 elements was established, nine of which are classified as (conditionally) essential. The data indicate the predominance of Ca, Fe, Na, as well as Ba, Rb, Sr in the ashes of the shoots of the plant after harvesting the fruits. The results of the study show that the Tomsk and Zyryansk districts of the region belong to the background territories. The specificity of bilberry shoots after harvesting the fruits of the Tomsk region is reflected in the highest concentration of the characteristic group of elements (Ba, Sr, Sb, Hf, Fe, Rb), which follows from the formation of chelate complexes and strong organometallic compounds. In the composition of bilberry shoots after harvesting the fruits, the main groups of BAS of a phenolic nature are: simple phenols, flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarins and tannins; triterpene compounds, sterols, water-soluble polysaccharides, carotenoids, amino acids are also present. The research results show the possibility of using plant shoots after harvesting fruits as pharmaceutical raw materials for the development of medicines based on them, including for correcting disorders of higher integrative functions of the brain.
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