UDK 663.835.022.3:577.15
The development of a comprehensive end-to-end technology of processing berries for juice and the resulting berry cake into food ingredients with increased biological value is an urgent scientific task and requires comprehensive research. The relevance of the use of common cranberry cake as a vegetable raw material for the production of food ingredients is due to its rich chemical composition, cheapness of the raw material base used to isolate valuable biologically active substances, since cranberry cake is a multi-tonnage waste of technological processes in juice production. Biocatalytic treatment of cranberry cake was carried out with the following enzymatic system - pectinase 0.25 units. Pcs/g, cellulase 0.75 units. Cs/g, protease 0.05 units. PS/g, lipase 0.05 units. LS/g., at hydromodules 1:1 and 1:2 at 50ºC and pH 4.8. As a result of studies obtained fermentolysate cake lingonberry at 2-hour hydrolysis with selected enzyme complex at pH 4.8 and 500C, which is a liquid of dark red color with a strong smell of cranberry, sour taste, dry substance content 5,0%,, the content of phenolic substances 470 mg/cm3 and antioxidant activity 912.7 mg%. Fermentolysate contains a complex of anthocyanins, presumably such as cyanidin-3-galactoside, cyanidin-3-arabinoside, peonidin-3-galactoside, peonidin-3-arabinoside. The experimental data obtained testify to the prospects of creating food ingredients enriched with biologically valuable substances of berry raw materials contained in the fermentolysate of cranberry cake intended to compensate nutrient deficiencies in nutrition and expand the range of fast cooking products.
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