The study of the content of 14 chemical elements (P, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cr, Zn, Se, Pb, Al) in five species of the Hydrocharitaceae family growing in the territory of the Western Siberia (Elodea canadensis, Stratiotes aloides, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Hydrillaverticillata) was implemented. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used in the study to clarify the elemental profiles of certain species.
Despite the similarity of the obtained series of the biological absorption of elements, a number of specific features are identified. For example, H. morsus-ranae has the lowest concentration of Fe (135±1) and Mn (24,4±0,4), E. canadensis is characterized by the lowest concentration of Al (0,93±0,01), H. verticillata − Ca (2890±40). E. canadensis in comparison with other studied species has a higher concentration of Na (28400±600), K (13740±90), Ca (4250±40), Fe (750±10) and Mn (185±2), S. aloides is characterized by higher concentration of Mg (30850±60), Ca (4490±40) and P (2910±40), H. verticillata −Al (3,20±0,02). The results of the cluster analysis of the chemical element content show the considerable isolation of S. aloides from the rest of the family.
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