UDK 635.716:577.112.38:577.118

  • Shohista Rakhimzhonovna Makhmudova Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz Email:
  • Bakhodir Sotvoldievich Okhundedayev Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz Email:
  • Sabir Zaripbaevich Nishanbaev Институт химии растительных веществ им. акад. С. Ю.Юнусова АН РУз Email:
  • Svetlana Dmitrievna Gusakova Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz Email:
Keywords: saffron, Crocus sativus L., Iridaceae, stigmas, stamens, flower petals, amino acids, micro and macro elements


Amino acids (AA) of individual parts (stigma, stamens, petals) of flowers of Crocus sativus L. (saffron) growing in Uzbekistan were studied for the first time. 20 AAs were identified in the samples, which 8 were nonessential, 8 were irreplaceable, 4 were partially nonessential amino acids. The total amount of AA in the stigmas was 11.35001 mg/g, in the stamens 60.85032 mg/g, in the petals 48.7104 mg/g. Essential AAs are found in approximately equal amounts in petals (15.73832 mg/g) and stamens (14.84272 mg/g), partially replaceable AAs dominate in stamens (29.48137 mg/g). According to the results of a comparative analysis, the stamens of the flowers of Crocus sativus L. are quantitatively richer in amino acids than their other parts. For the first time, the elemental composition of individual parts of the flowers of Crocus sativus L. was studied by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma. It was found that the predominant elements in the raw material are K, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, P, Al and Ga. Flower petals are enriched with macro- and microelements. The obtained data allow us to consider the petals and stamens of Crocus sativus L., which are waste products of saffron production, as a promising source of mineral elements and valuable amino acids with a wide range of pharmacological activity, based on them can be used to develop new food additives and pharmaceutical substances.


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Author Biographies

Shohista Rakhimzhonovna Makhmudova , Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz

graduate student

Bakhodir Sotvoldievich Okhundedayev , Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, junior researcher at the Laboratory of Chemistry of Terpenoids and Phenolic Compounds

Sabir Zaripbaevich Nishanbaev, Институт химии растительных веществ им. акад. С. Ю.Юнусова АН РУз

доктор химических наук, заведующий лабораторией химии липидов

Svetlana Dmitrievna Gusakova , Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Lipid Chemistry


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How to Cite
1. Makhmudova S. R., Okhundedayev B. S., Nishanbaev S. Z., Gusakova S. D. AMINO ACID AND ELEMENTAL COMPOSITIONS OF FLOWERS OF PLANT CROCUS SATIVUS L. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2024. № 2. P. 275-283. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds