• Владимир (Vladimir) Александрович (Aleksandrovich) Куркин (Kurkin) Samara State Medical University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7513-9352 Email: Kurkinvladimir@yandex.ru
  • Татьяна (Tat'jana) Константиновна (Konstantinovna) Рязанова (Ryazanova) Samara State Medical University Email: ryazantatyana@mail.ru
  • Ляйсян (Ljajsjan) Ваилевна (Vailevna) Зулькарняева (Zulkarnyaeva) Samara State Medical University Email: zulkarnjaeva-lesja@rambler.ru
Keywords: Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem., Aralia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim., saponins, aralosides, oleanolic acid, saparal, tincture, syrup, standardization, spectrophotometry


The method of the quantitative determination of the content of total saponins in the herbal drugs (tincture and syrup) of Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. (synonym: Aralia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim.) was developed by means of the direct spectrophotometry following reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid (analytical wavelength – 510 nm for tincture and 525 nm for syrups). The quantitative determination of the content of total saponins in syrups was conducted following  preliminary hydrolysis in the presence of 20% sulfuric acid during two hours. The content of total saponins in the tincture varies from  1.51±0.05% to 1.72±0.06% calculated on ammonium salt of aralosides A, B, C with average molecular weight, in syrups from 0.131±0.003 % to 0.145±0.004 %  calculated on oleanolic acid (0.287-0.318% calculated on ammonium salt of aralosides A, B, C with average molecular weight). It was determined that the error of a single definition of the contents of total saponins in the tincture from the roots of Aralia mandshurica with confidence probability of 95 % is + 3.14 %, in syrup from “Saparal” ±2.62%, in syrup from tincture ±3.17%.


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Author Biographies

Владимир (Vladimir) Александрович (Aleksandrovich) Куркин (Kurkin), Samara State Medical University
заведующий кафедрой фармакогнозии с ботаникой и основами фитотерапии, профессор, доктор фармацевтических наук, тел. (846) 260-33-59
Татьяна (Tat'jana) Константиновна (Konstantinovna) Рязанова (Ryazanova), Samara State Medical University
заведующий лабораторией санитарно-химических методов исследования НИИ гигиены и экологии человека, кандидат фармацевтических наук, тел. (846) 260-33-59
Ляйсян (Ljajsjan) Ваилевна (Vailevna) Зулькарняева (Zulkarnyaeva), Samara State Medical University


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How to Cite
1. Куркин (Kurkin)В. (Vladimir) А. (Aleksandrovich), Рязанова (Ryazanova)Т. (Tat’jana) К. (Konstantinovna), Зулькарняева (Zulkarnyaeva)Л. (Ljajsjan) В. (Vailevna) QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF SAPONINS IN THE DRUGS OF ARALIA ELATA // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 3. P. 163-168. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/1309.
Low-molecular weight compounds