• Людмила (Liudmila) Ивановна (Ivanovna) Тихомирова (Tikhomirova) Altai State University Email: l-tichomirova@yandex.ru
  • Наталья (Natal'ia) Григорьевна (Grigor'evna) Базарнова (Bazarnova) Altai State University Email: bazarnova@chem.asu.ru
  • Илья (Il'ia) Александрович (Aleksandrovich) Халявин (Khaliavin) Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai Email: anna.xalyawina@yandex.ru
Keywords: Iris sibirica L., plants regenerated, elemental composition of intact plants


The development of biotechnological methods for producing medicinal plants, preserving valuable elemental and chemical composition of the group, is one of the most important tasks of the pharmaceutical and food industries.

The purpose of this work – the study of the elemental composition of regenerated plants I. sibirica compared with intact plants.

We studied the biomass of leaves and rhizomes and roots of plants regenerated I. sibirica variety and grade of Cambridge Sterh multiplied microclonal in VPO "Altai State University" (Barnaul, Russia). The elemental composition was evaluated according to the atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-spectrometer Optima 7300 DV firm Perkin Elmer).

The evaluation of the intensity and specificity of accumulation of chemical elements regenerated plant bodies I. sibirica of culture media in tissue culture. On the basis of the data obtained revealed the elements of energetic savings – K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo Cu, as well as a strong element of accumulation – Co. Calcium in the regenerated plant leaves is defined as an element of energetic savings, and in the roots and rhizomes as an element of a strong accumulation. Two varieties of I. sibirica Cambridge Sterh and accumulate in the tissue culture of the chemical elements with the same intensity.

On the basis of spectrometric analysis in biomass I. sibirica identified 24 chemical elements, made a series of preferential accumulation: K > Ca > Mg > Fe > Al > Na > Mn > Zn > Sr > Ba > Ti > Cu > V > Pb > Ni > As > Mo > Co > Sb > Sn > Se > Cd > Ag > Be. Studies have shown that the qualitative composition of the elements found in plants regenerated I. sibirica and intact plants, identical, while the quantitative content differed significantly. Established regenerated plants I. sibirica variety Cambridge are the hub of manganese (leaves, roots and rhizomes). In the studied samples I. sibirica variety Cambridge, the concentration of heavy metals Pb, Cd and As do not exceed the permissible level for dietary supplements of plant-based.

The possibility of using plants regenerated and intact plants I. sibirica as sources of various macro- and microelements. It should also be tailored to specific storage elements investigated during cultivation I. sibirica in vitro.


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Author Biographies

Людмила (Liudmila) Ивановна (Ivanovna) Тихомирова (Tikhomirova), Altai State University
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Plant Biotechnology Department of the South-Siberian Botanical Garden
Наталья (Natal'ia) Григорьевна (Grigor'evna) Базарнова (Bazarnova), Altai State University
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Dean of the Chemical Faculty
Илья (Il'ia) Александрович (Aleksandrovich) Халявин (Khaliavin), Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai
Biochemist - toxicologist


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How to Cite
1. Тихомирова (Tikhomirova)Л. (Liudmila) И. (Ivanovna), Базарнова (Bazarnova)Н. (Natal’ia) Г. (Grigor’evna), Халявин (Khaliavin)И. (Il’ia) А. (Aleksandrovich) ELEMENT COMPOSITION IRIS SIBIRICA L. IN CULTURE IN VITRO // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 2. P. 119-126. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/1517.
Low-molecular weight compounds