• Валерия (Valeriia) Германовна (Germanovna) Стокозенко (Stokozenko) Institute of Solution Chemistry of G. A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Андрей (Andrei) Павлович (Pavlovich) Морыганов (Moryganov) Institute of Solution Chemistry of G. A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Игорь (Igor') Юрьевич (Iur'evich) Ларин (Larin) Ivanovo state polytechnical university Email:
  • Елена (Elena) Руфимовна (Rufimovna) Воронина (Voronina) Ivanovo state polytechnical university Email:
Keywords: elementarizovanny flax fiber, kotonizirovanny flax fiber, lignougelodny complex, lignin, pectins, gemitsellyuloza, cellulose


The possibility of modification of linen fibers according to the essentially new technological scheme which includes purposeful destruction of connective tissues by the action of cyclic de-forming loads (elementarization) with the subsequent chemical processing is proved. The analysis of properties of the obtained elementary fibers of natural origin has shown that geometrical indicators of flax elementary fibers are close to the ones of cotton and wool fibers, and their du-rability is considerably higher, that gives the prospects to create innovative products for technical, textile and medical purposes on their basis. The influence of chemical processings, modeling the processes of modification and upgrading of flax materials, on the composition of basic admixtures and properties of elementarized fibers is investigated. It is shown that the high extent of purification of elementarized fibers raises the possibility of cellulose destruction. The selection of chemical reagents and concentration and time parameters of the process, which provide the optimum extent of purification of elementarized fibers without the destruction of its cellulose component, is carried out. It is determined that chemical processings of elementarized flax fibers in comparison with the cottonized ones have to be carried out in softer conditions: the concen-tration of alkali – to 2 g/l, the processing duration – up to 60 min. As the alkaline reagent the bases weaker than sodium hydroxide can be applied, in particular, sodium carbonate. The insig-nificant destruction of cellulose noted during the subsequent influence of an oxidizer is confirmed by small contents of carboxyl and aldehyde groups in it and also by the durability indexes of new type of fibers: the durability of fibers before and after the chemical processings has no significant differences and is within the limits 40,4–42,0 sn/tex.


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Author Biographies

Валерия (Valeriia) Германовна (Germanovna) Стокозенко (Stokozenko), Institute of Solution Chemistry of G. A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Андрей (Andrei) Павлович (Pavlovich) Морыганов (Moryganov), Institute of Solution Chemistry of G. A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory
Игорь (Igor') Юрьевич (Iur'evich) Ларин (Larin), Ivanovo state polytechnical university
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Елена (Elena) Руфимовна (Rufimovna) Воронина (Voronina), Ivanovo state polytechnical university
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite
1. Стокозенко (Stokozenko)В. (Valeriia) Г. (Germanovna), Морыганов (Moryganov)А. (Andrei) П. (Pavlovich), Ларин (Larin)И. (Igor’) Ю. (Iur’evich), Воронина (Voronina)Е. (Elena) Р. (Rufimovna) RESEARCH OF INFLUENCE OF ALKALINE HANDLING ON STRUCTURE AND ELEMENTARIZOVANNY PROPERTIES LINEN FIBRE // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 2. P. 143-148. URL: