• Семен (Semen) Леонидович (Leonidovich) Шестаков (Shestakov) Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov Email:
  • Дмитрий (Dmitrii) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Косяков (Kosiakov) Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov Email:
  • Александр (Aleksandr) Юрьевич (Iur'evich) Кожевников (Kozhevnikov) Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov Email:
  • Николай (Nikolai) Валерьевич (Valer'evich) Ульяновский (Ul'ianovskii) Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov Email:
  • Юлия (Iuliia) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Попова (Popova) Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov Email:
Keywords: lignins, NMR, 31P-NMR, functional analysis, phosphitylation


Lignin is one of the most abundant biopolymers and a potential renewable source of valuable aromatic compounds. Concerning this, actual problem is functional composition characterization of the lignin samples and the products of their chemical processing. The subject of research is the modification of 31P NMR analysis of different types of hydroxyl groups in the lignin samples. We proposed the phosphitylation of lignin and the quantitative 31P NMR analysis using nondeuterated solvent in order to decrease the cost of experiment. 31P NMR spectra are registered using deuterated and nondeuterated solvents in order to compare them. It is obtained that the use of nondeuterated solvent in mixture doesn’t influence on the chemical shifts of the 31P NMR spectra and the results of quantitative estimation of the content of different hydroxyl groups in lignin macromolecule. The experiments with lignin model compound confirm the adequacy of chosen approach. The method is approbated on the sample of dioxane lignin of birch and the quantitative analysis of hydroxyl groups content is implemented.


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Author Biographies

Семен (Semen) Леонидович (Leonidovich) Шестаков (Shestakov), Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov
Scientific employee of the Center for collective use of scientific equipment "Arctic"
Дмитрий (Dmitrii) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Косяков (Kosiakov), Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov
Director of the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment "Arctic"
Александр (Aleksandr) Юрьевич (Iur'evich) Кожевников (Kozhevnikov), Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov
Deputy Director of the Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment "Arctic"
Николай (Nikolai) Валерьевич (Valer'evich) Ульяновский (Ul'ianovskii), Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov
Junior Researcher of the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment "Acktic"
Юлия (Iuliia) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Попова (Popova), Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov


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How to Cite
1. Шестаков (Shestakov)С. (Semen) Л. (Leonidovich), Косяков (Kosiakov)Д. (Dmitrii) С. (Sergeevich), Кожевников (Kozhevnikov)А. (Aleksandr) Ю. (Iur’evich), Ульяновский (Ul’ianovskii)Н. (Nikolai) В. (Valer’evich), Попова (Popova)Ю. (Iuliia) А. (Aleksandrovna) THE ELABORATION OF NMR ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF HYDROXYL GROUPS IN THE LIGNIN SAMPLES // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 2. P. 81-87. URL:
Biopolymers of plants