• Татьяна (Tat'jana) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Ишунина (Ishunina) Kursk State Medical University Email:
  • Ангелина (Angelina) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Моспанова (Mospanova) Kursk State Medical University Email:
  • Алина (Alina) Геннадьевна (Gennad'evna) Архипова (Arkhipova) Kursk State Medical University Email:
Keywords: Dahlia, rose, peony, anthocyanins, monoglycosides, diglucosides, histological dyes


In a series of previous studies a new group of plant dyes was developed for histology on the basis of the fruit extracts containing anthocyanin pigments. In the present study the tinctorial properties of ethanol extracts of dahlia (Dahlia Cav.), rose (Rosa L.) and peony (Paeonia L.) petals which also contain anthocyanins were evaluated. The choice of the plant group mentioned above was based on the availability of vegetable raw materials, the large size of the petals for the easy pickup and on the red color associated with the presence of anthocyanins. On the basis of ethanol extracts of dahlias’ petals the dye for staining both the cellular nuclei and the cytoplasm was obtained. When using the petals of rose and peony flowers cytoplasmic histological dyes were received. All new dyes belong to the group of mordant stains, since their staining properties for histological slides are expressed when using iron sulphate that reacts with vegetable pigments. With the help of comparative analysis it was found for the first time that vegetable dyes are able to stain the cell nuclei and basophilic structures of the cytoplasm if they contain predominantly the monoglycoside varieties of anthocyanins. In the presence of 3,5-diglucoside anthocyanins the dyes demonstrate the cytoplasmic nature.


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Author Biographies

Татьяна (Tat'jana) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Ишунина (Ishunina), Kursk State Medical University
доцент, кандидат медицинских наук
Ангелина (Angelina) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Моспанова (Mospanova), Kursk State Medical University
Алина (Alina) Геннадьевна (Gennad'evna) Архипова (Arkhipova), Kursk State Medical University


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How to Cite
1. Ишунина (Ishunina)Т. (Tat’jana) А. (Aleksandrovna), Моспанова (Mospanova)А. (Angelina) А. (Aleksandrovna), Архипова (Arkhipova)А. (Alina) Г. (Gennad’evna) THE USE OF EXTRACTS OF DAHLIA, ROSE AND PEONY FLOWERS FOR HISTOLOGICAL STAINING // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 3. P. 221-226. URL: