• Игорь (Igor') Витальевич (Vital'evich) Слепцов (Cleptsov) Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozones Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenina, 41, Yakutsk Email:
  • Ефим (Efim) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Хлебный (Sergeevich) Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozones Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenina, 41, Yakutsk Email:
  • Алла (Alla) Николаевна (Nikolaevna) Журавская (Zhuravskaia) Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozones Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenina, 41, Yakutsk Email:
Keywords: Amaranthus retroflexus, Central Yakutia, lipids, fatty acids, flavonoids, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, column chromatography, phenological phases


Investigated the change of lipids, fatty acids and flavonoids in the leaves of Amaranthus retroflexus depending on phenological phase plant. It was found that since the budding phase to the phase of fruiting, a decrease in the lipid content in the leaves of Amaranthus retroflexus, which may be due to the formation of buds, flowers and seeds. Revealed that the leaves of Amaranthus retroflexus contain 18 fatty acids (FA) of which 9 - saturated and 9 - unsaturated. The main unsaturated fatty acids in the test plants - linolenic acid (C18:3Δ6,9,12), and saturated - palmitic acid (C16:0). Recorded decrease in the amount of total, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids since vegetation phase to fruiting. The maximum content of the amount of total, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids was observed during the growing phase. It is shown that the percentage content of unsaturated fatty acids in the leaves was increased with decreasing temperature. It was found that the leaves of Amaranthus retroflexus, which grows in Central Yakutia, contains rutin. Revealed an increase the concentration of rutin with the growing phase before fructification. It is shown that in the leaves of Amaranthus retroflexus highest content of rutin accounted for the phase of flowering and fruiting.


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Author Biographies

Игорь (Igor') Витальевич (Vital'evich) Слепцов (Cleptsov), Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozones Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenina, 41, Yakutsk
junior researcher
Ефим (Efim) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Хлебный (Sergeevich), Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozones Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenina, 41, Yakutsk
head of the laboratory, candidate of biological sciences
Алла (Alla) Николаевна (Nikolaevna) Журавская (Zhuravskaia), Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozones Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenina, 41, Yakutsk
Principal Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences


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How to Cite
1. Слепцов (Cleptsov)И. (Igor’) В. (Vital’evich), Хлебный (Sergeevich)Е. (Efim) С. (Sergeevich), Журавская (Zhuravskaia)А. (Alla) Н. (Nikolaevna) LIPIDS, FATTY ACIDS AND FLAVONOIDS IN THE LEAVES OF AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS GROWING UNDER THE CONDITIONS CENTRAL YAKUTIA // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 3. P. 77-84. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds