• Ирина (Irina) Анатольевна (Anatol'evna) Глотова (Glotova) Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I, ul. Michurina, 1, Voronezh, 394087 Email:
  • Надежда (Nadezhda) Алексеевна (Alekseevna) Галочкина (Galochkina) Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I, ul. Michurina, 1, Voronezh, 394087 Email:
Keywords: microphenological phases, wheat grain, sodium selenit, 4, 4-di[3(5-methylpiperazine)]selenide (DNDPS), germination, amylolytic activity, proteolytic activity, glutathione


The influence of sodium selenite and 4,4-di[3(5-methylpiperazine)]selenide (DMDPS) on microphenological phases of swelling and germination of grain of winter wheat of a grade "Alaya Zarya" was studied. The influence of sodium selenite and DMDPS on amylolytic, proteolytic activity and contents in the form of glutathione is studied. Opposite action of DMDPS and selenit on biochemical processes at grain germination is found: for DMDPS – stimulating, for sodium selenit – depressant. Under the influence of sodium selenit the decrease in proteolytic activity by 30%, under the influence of DMDPS – 5% is revealed. It is found that amylolytic activity of wheat under the influence of DMDPS shows a tendency to achieve the same level, as in the control "Wheat + H2O", however the maximum is reached 4 hours earlier. In a sample with sodium selenit the decrease in amylolytic activity by 15% in comparison with control is found. Stimulating action of DMDPS on glutathione accumulation is detected. The maximum contents in the form of glutathione is noted for a sample of wheat, germinated with DMDPS – 8,53 mg%. It is 22,6% more than in the control sample, and is 36,1% more, than in the sample with sodium selenit. The extreme values of an indicator are reached in 28 hours of germination for the control sample, in 16–20 hours – for samples with DMDPS and Na2SeO3. The duration of microphenological phases of germination of seeds using DMDPS as a part of steep water is reduced by 2–4 hours in comparison with tap water. The results are used for control of wheat grain germination in the process of additives enriched with selenium on grain basis.


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Author Biographies

Ирина (Irina) Анатольевна (Anatol'evna) Глотова (Glotova), Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I, ul. Michurina, 1, Voronezh, 394087
Professor of the Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products
Надежда (Nadezhda) Алексеевна (Alekseevna) Галочкина (Galochkina), Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I, ul. Michurina, 1, Voronezh, 394087
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Goods and Expertise of Goods


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How to Cite
1. Глотова (Glotova)И. (Irina) А. (Anatol’evna), Галочкина (Galochkina)Н. (Nadezhda) А. (Alekseevna) INFLUENCE OF SOURCES OF SELENIUM ON BIOCHEMICAL PROCESSES DURING SWELLING AND GERMINATION OF WHEAT GRAIN // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 4. P. 211-216. URL: