• Аделя (Adelja) Новруз (Novruz) Алескерова (Aleskerova) Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004 Email:
  • Намиг (Namig) Нариман (Nariman) Алиев (Aliev) National Research Institute of Medical Prophylaxis. V. Akhundov, ul. Jafara Jabbarli, 35, Baku, AZ1065 Email:
  • Мубариз (Mubariz) Искендер (Iskender) Алиев (Aliev) National Research Institute of Medical Prophylaxis. V. Akhundov, ul. Jafara Jabbarli, 35, Baku, AZ1065 Email:
  • Сираджеддин (Siradzheddin) Велиевич (Velievich) Серкеров (Serkerov) Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004 Email:
  • Лала (Lala) Ислах (Islah) Рустамова (Rustamova) National Research Institute of Medical Prophylaxis. V. Akhundov, ul. Jafara Jabbarli, 35, Baku, AZ1065 Email:
  • Шива (Shiva) Асбагиан (Asbagian) Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004 Email:
  • Седа (Seda) Ибрагим (Ibragim) Ибрагимовв (Ibragimovv) Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004 Email:
  • Фаиг (Faig) Али (Ali) Расулов (Rasulov) Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004 Email:
Keywords: Artemisia, A. fragrans, A. szowitsiana, A. spisigera, A. santonica, essential oils, repellent, gas-liquid chromatography, mosquito, fumigant activity, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry


The article presents data on the study of fumigantn activity of 12 species (A. fragrans Willd., A szowitziana (Bess.) Grossh., A. spicigera Koch., A. santonica L., A. kobstanica Rzazade, A. scoparia K., A. scoparioides Grossh., A. annua L., Amaritima L., A. marschalliana Spreng., A. pausiflora Web.ex Stechm., A. tournefortiana Rchb., A. hanseniana Grossh. genus Artemisia L. It is revealed repellent effects of essential oils for 3–8 hours.

Duration of repellent action depends on the major component of essential oils. Maximum duration (8 hours.) was observed in action of essential oils Artemisia fragrans Willd, A.santonica, A szowitziana and A.spicigera. Duration repellent action also depends on the ambient temperature. Essential oils of the studied species are repellents and can be used in the prevention of malaria, Zeke disease and other illnesses.

Repellent effect of essential oils is associated with majore various components of essential oils; A.fragrans 1,8-cineole (3,6%) and λ-thujone (28%); A.szowitziana β-thujone, 75% and λ-tuyon (9%); A. spicigera camphor (48%) and 1,8-cineole (46%); A.santonica β-citral (34%) and λ-citral (33%).


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Author Biographies

Аделя (Adelja) Новруз (Novruz) Алескерова (Aleskerova), Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004
Leading Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Намиг (Namig) Нариман (Nariman) Алиев (Aliev), National Research Institute of Medical Prophylaxis. V. Akhundov, ul. Jafara Jabbarli, 35, Baku, AZ1065
Director, Academician of NAS
Мубариз (Mubariz) Искендер (Iskender) Алиев (Aliev), National Research Institute of Medical Prophylaxis. V. Akhundov, ul. Jafara Jabbarli, 35, Baku, AZ1065
Head of Department, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Сираджеддин (Siradzheddin) Велиевич (Velievich) Серкеров (Serkerov), Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004
Chief Scientific Officer, Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Лала (Lala) Ислах (Islah) Рустамова (Rustamova), National Research Institute of Medical Prophylaxis. V. Akhundov, ul. Jafara Jabbarli, 35, Baku, AZ1065
Head of the Department of Virology, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Шива (Shiva) Асбагиан (Asbagian), Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004
Седа (Seda) Ибрагим (Ibragim) Ибрагимовв (Ibragimovv), Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004
Фаиг (Faig) Али (Ali) Расулов (Rasulov), Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 3, Baku, AZ1004
Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences


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How to Cite
1. Алескерова (Aleskerova)А. (Adelja) Н. (Novruz), Алиев (Aliev)Н. (Namig) Н. (Nariman), Алиев (Aliev)М. (Mubariz) И. (Iskender), Серкеров (Serkerov)С. (Siradzheddin) В. (Velievich), Рустамова (Rustamova)Л. (Lala) И. (Islah), Асбагиан (Asbagian)Ш. (Shiva), Ибрагимовв (Ibragimovv)С. (Seda) И. (Ibragim), Расулов (Rasulov)Ф. (Faig) А. (Ali) THE COMPONENT COMPOSITION AND FUMIGANTN ACTIVITY OF ESSENTIAL OILS OF SPECIES OF GENUS ARTEMISIA L. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 4. P. 235-240. URL:
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