• Наталия (Nataliia) Владимировна (Vladimirovna) Транчук (Tranchuk) St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named in honour of S.M. Kirov Email: tran4uk@yandex.ru
  • Виктор (Viktor) Иванович (Ivanovich) Рощин (Roshchin) St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named in honour of S.M. Kirov Email: kaf.chemdrev@mail.ru
Keywords: Larix Sibirica (Ledeb.), dihydromyricetin, bark, shoots


The individual component ([α]D26 (с  = 1,04; acetone : water 1 : 1) + 38,5°, m.p. 230–232 °C) was isolated from diethyl soluble part of isopropanol extract of the Siberian larch shoots bark. Samples of raw materials were collected in July2013 in the Turuntayevsk forestry of theTomsk region. The yield of shoots bark isopropanol extract was 21% (from weight of absolute dry bark). Isopropyl alcohol extract was deresinified by petroleum ether. The moiety of lipophilic substances was 88.9% in isopropanol extract. Then resin-free extract was treated with diethyl ether to obtain the aglycones of the phenolic compounds. The moiety of diethyl soluble substances was 4,8% in isopropanol extract and 1,0% in dry bark weight. 75,8% of «phenolic acids» were isolated from diethyl ether extract by sodium bicarbonate. Individual component with yield of 11,5% was isolated from «phenolic acids» using column chromatography method. According to UV, IR, NMR1Н и 13С the substance was identified with dihydromyricetin. It is the first report about isolation of dihydromyricetin in the Siberian larch shoots bark.


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Author Biographies

Наталия (Nataliia) Владимировна (Vladimirovna) Транчук (Tranchuk), St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named in honour of S.M. Kirov
Виктор (Viktor) Иванович (Ivanovich) Рощин (Roshchin), St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named in honour of S.M. Kirov
заведующий кафедрой технологии лесохимических продуктов, химии древесины и физической химии, доктор химических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
1. Транчук (Tranchuk)Н. (Nataliia) В. (Vladimirovna), Рощин (Roshchin)В. (Viktor) И. (Ivanovich) DIHYDROMYRICETIN FROM THE SIBERIAN LARCH SHOOTS BARK // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 2. P. 181-184. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/1927.
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