• Ефим (Efim) Авраамович (Avraamovich) Краснов (Krasnov) Siberian State Medical University Email:
  • Елена (Elena) Евгеньевна (Evgen'evna) Савельева (Savelyeva) Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Email:
  • Надежда (Nadezhda) Кирилловна (Kirillovna) Рыжакова (Ryzhakova) Tomsk Polytechnic University Email:
  • Ярослав (Yaroslav) Евгеньевич (Evgen'evich) Решетов (Reshetov) Siberian State Medical University Email:
  • Альбина (Al'bina) Равильевна (Ravil'evna) Гатауллина (Gataullina) Tomsk Polytechnic University Email:
Keywords: Rosaceae family, vegetable raw materials, the dominant group of biologically active substances, bioelements, heavy metals, lithium, biological activity


To determine the content of the dominant groups of biologically active substances (tannins, polysaccharides, flavonoids) and bioelements in aerial parts of ten species of the Rosaceae family, which grows in Siberia: Potentilla anserina L., P. longifolia Willd., P. canescens Besser, P. bifurca L., P. tergemina Sojak, P. argentea L., P. goldbachii Rupr., P. sericea Dulac., Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb., Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. To determine the concentrations of essential and conditionally essential trace elements defined by the method of atomic emission spectroscopy. First identified plants of the genus Potentilla (P. canescens, P. tergemina) and Filipendula (F. ulmaria), accumulate significant quantities of lithium – 14,6, and 11,0 13,3 mg/kg, respectively, making them promising for further studies on the isolation and identification of active substances with the aim of creating innovative drugs. Investigated the content of heavy metals (Pb, Hg, As, Cd), the values of which meets regulatory requirements. Useful properties of the examined species family Rosaceae are determined by the content of biologically active substances (flavonoids, polysaccharides, tannins) and the complex of macro - and micronutrients. It is revealed that a dominant position in the spectrum belongs to the macronutrients potassium, calcium and magnesium (4,300 to 27,000 mg/kg). Among micronutrients the leading role is copper, followed by iron, silicon and manganese having important biological value, in particular, involved in the process of hematopoiesis.


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Author Biographies

Ефим (Efim) Авраамович (Avraamovich) Краснов (Krasnov), Siberian State Medical University
профессор кафедры фармацевтической химии
Елена (Elena) Евгеньевна (Evgen'evna) Савельева (Savelyeva), Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky
доцент кафедры биологии с экологией и курсом фармакогнозии
Надежда (Nadezhda) Кирилловна (Kirillovna) Рыжакова (Ryzhakova), Tomsk Polytechnic University
доцент кафедры прикладной физики
Ярослав (Yaroslav) Евгеньевич (Evgen'evich) Решетов (Reshetov), Siberian State Medical University
Альбина (Al'bina) Равильевна (Ravil'evna) Гатауллина (Gataullina), Tomsk Polytechnic University


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How to Cite
1. Краснов (Krasnov)Е. (Efim) А. (Avraamovich), Савельева (Savelyeva)Е. (Elena) Е. (Evgen’evna), Рыжакова (Ryzhakova)Н. (Nadezhda) К. (Kirillovna), Решетов (Reshetov)Я. (Yaroslav) Е. (Evgen’evich), Гатауллина (Gataullina)А. (Al’bina) Р. (Ravil’evna) THE STUDY OF THE DOMINANT GROUPS OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES AND BIOELEMENTS IN SOME PLANTS OF THE FAMILY ROSACEAE // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 4. P. 145-151. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds