• Луиза (Luiza) Размиковна (Razmikovna) Варданян (Vardanian) Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204 Email:
  • Лилит (Lilit) Валериковна (Valerikovna) Атабекян (Atabekian ) Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204 Email:
  • Сюзанна (Siuzanna) Арсеновна (Arsenovna) Айрапетян (Airapetian) Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204 Email:
  • Размик (Razmik) Левонович (Levonovich) Варданян (Vardanian) Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204 Email:
Keywords: extracts of vegetable raw materials, extragent, oxidation, antioxidant activity, inhibition, synergism, antagonism


In this work the influence of extragent on the antioxidant (AO) effect of individual extracts and their mixtures on kinetics of cumene oxidation were investigated on the example of nine medicinal plants. It was shown that the effective concentration of AO in investigated extracts increases with increasing of polarity of extragent (except for ethanol). For each used extract have been defined their antioxidant activities (AOA), i.e. RO2 + InH → ROOH + In reaction speed constants.

At combined action of various plants extracts, and also same plant extracts extracted by different extragents the there were found effects of additivity, synergism and antagonism of inhibition. Maximum effect of synergism was shown by the mixture of strawberry leaves ethanol extract with falcaria leaves acetone extract (23%), and maximum effect of antagonism was shown the mixture of ethanol and benzene extracts of falcaria leaves (39%).

The received results can be used in various scopes of extracts (or in various areas of extracts use) as stabilizers of oxidation and as medicines for the medical purposes.


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Author Biographies

Луиза (Luiza) Размиковна (Razmikovna) Варданян (Vardanian), Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204
candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor
Лилит (Lilit) Валериковна (Valerikovna) Атабекян (Atabekian ), Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204
Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Сюзанна (Siuzanna) Арсеновна (Arsenovna) Айрапетян (Airapetian), Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204
Candidate of Chemistry, Assistant
Размик (Razmik) Левонович (Levonovich) Варданян (Vardanian), Goris State University, ul. Avangard, 4, Goris, 3204
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite
1. Варданян (Vardanian)Л. (Luiza) Р. (Razmikovna), Атабекян (Atabekian )Л. (Lilit) В. (Valerikovna), Айрапетян (Airapetian)С. (Siuzanna) А. (Arsenovna), Варданян (Vardanian)Р. (Razmik) Л. (Levonovich) THE INFLUENCE OF SOLVENTS ON EXTENT OF ANTIOXIDANTS EXTRACTION FROM VEGETABLE RAW MATERIALS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 1. P. 83-88. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds