• Денис (Denis) Владимирович (Vladimirovich Дудкин (Dudkin) Ugra State University Email: dvdudkin@rambler.ru
  • Ирина (Irina) Михайловна (Mikhailovna) Федяева (Fedyaeva) Ugra State University Email: fim82@mail.ru
Keywords: technology, humic substances, peat, liquid humic fertilizer, mechanical, cavitation


Objective: create a cost-effective and environmentally safe technology of obtaining of humic substances allows to use as organic raw materials all kinds of peat.

Objectives of the study: reducing overall energy cost, temperature, pressure, duration of process and the number of stages of production of humic substances; increase the practical output while minimizing waste; reduced labor costs; the creation of a "flexible" system changes in production volumes of finished products.

The paper presents low-waste technology of obtaining solutions of humic substances from peat with low decomposition degree (less than 15 %) and ash content (less than 10%). The technology used for the first time mechanochemical method of processing of peat, based on the cavitation of mechanical activation of chemical processes. The technology differs from similar technologies the ability to use any types of raw peat botanical composition, including the types of sphagnum peat with low degree of decomposition for the production of solutions of humic substances intended for use as a liquid humic fertilizer. The developed technology is characterized by high economic performance, due to the higher degree of conversion of raw materials and lower energy costs by reducing the duration of the process. The ability to reuse the resulting production of organic wastes increases the environmental effectiveness of technological solutions due to a significant increase in practical yield and reducing waste. Presents the technological scheme allows to flexibly change the volume of production without substantial costs for the reorganization proceedings. Lower values of temperature and pressure of the technological process make the production process more secure.


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Author Biographies

Денис (Denis) Владимирович (Vladimirovich Дудкин (Dudkin), Ugra State University
доцент кафедры экологии и природопользования, кандидат химических наук, тел.: (3467) 357-669
Ирина (Irina) Михайловна (Mikhailovna) Федяева (Fedyaeva), Ugra State University
ведущий менеджер регионального центра инжиниринга


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How to Cite
1. Дудкин (Dudkin)Д. (Denis) В. (Vladimirovich, Федяева (Fedyaeva)И. (Irina) М. (Mikhailovna) LOW-WASTE TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCING HUMIC SUBSTANCES FROM PEAT OF DIFFERENT BOTANICAL COMPOSITION AND DECOMPOSITION DEGREE // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 2. P. 175-182. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/3356.
Peat and products of its processing