• Николай (Nikolaj) Петрович (Petrovich) Мидуков (Midukov) St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
  • Данил (Danil) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Ефремов (Efremov) St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
  • Виктор (Viktor) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Куров (Kurov) St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
  • Александр (Аleksandr) Семёнович (Semyonovich) Смолин (Smolin) St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
Keywords: dry defibration, recovered paper, test-liner cardboard


The article presents the data about the preparation of recovered paper using dry method. The objective of this method of fiber preparation is to reduce water and energy consumption as well as obtaining higher physical and mechanical characteristics of the cardboard. There is used a dispergator parts of which are constructed with 3D printer. After dry defibration, the purification is carried out. Acquired finely dispersed, refined material is used to produce the three-layer cardboard – test-liner. According to standard methodologies, there were determined such mechanical parameters of multi-layer test-liner as breaking length, bursting strength.  Obtained results can be used to produce multi-layer testliner to reduce energy costs, as well as water consumption. As a result of this research, it turned out that using the method of preliminary dry dispersion of fibers, it becomes possible to reduce metal volume of the equipment as well as energy and water consumption. Previously, the mechanical grinding of recycled fibers was not carried out. Therefore the data presented in this article allow assess the cost of applying this method into the industry. The method of dry dispersion, which was carried out and studied in laboratory conditions, is not currently applied in the paper and cardboard industry of Russia, despite its advantages. In the future, it is planned to conduct repeated studies, with a view to the possible introduction of this method into the industry.


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Author Biographies

Николай (Nikolaj) Петрович (Petrovich) Мидуков (Midukov), St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры процессов и аппаратов химической технологии
Данил (Danil) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Ефремов (Efremov), St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Виктор (Viktor) Сергеевич (Sergeevich) Куров (Kurov), St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
доктор технических наук, профессор, проректор по научной работе
Александр (Аleksandr) Семёнович (Semyonovich) Смолин (Smolin), St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
заведующий кафедрой технологии бумаги и картона, доктор технических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
1. Мидуков (Midukov)Н. (Nikolaj) П. (Petrovich), Ефремов (Efremov)Д. (Danil) С. (Sergeevich), Куров (Kurov)В. (Viktor) С. (Sergeevich), Смолин (Smolin)А. (Аleksandr) С. (Semyonovich) THE PREPARATION OF FIBERS FOR CARDBOARD PRODUCTION // chemistry of plant raw material, 2018. № 3. P. 279-286. URL:
Paper and cardboard