The influence of geoecological factors formed in Velsk-Ustyansk tectonic node of the Arkhangelsk region on the state of lichenobiotics was studied. Two of the most common species of bushy lichens are selected as the test systems. The objects of research are two species of bushy lichens, which were used as a test system. From the soil lichens, the species Cladonia stellaris was studied. From the epiphytic lichens, the species Usnea subfloridana was studied. The material was collected in the vegetation period (spring-autumn) from the three test plots (in the center, at the periphery and outside the tectonic node - the background point) in the pine-bilberry forest stands with the same composition.It was established that the ash content of lichen samples Cladonia stellaris and Usnea subfloridana increases in the direction from the background point and further from the periphery to the center of the node. The ash content for samples growing in the center of the tectonic node is in 2-7 times higher than in the background point and reaches of 7 %. The ash content for samples growing in the periphery of the site is in 1.5–2 times higher than in the background point. This dependence indicates a significant accumulation of the metals in the lichen thallomes in the zone of tectonic faults. The similar dependence for both lichens is observed in the content of ascorbic acid, catalase activity and antioxidant activity. It was shown that in the center of the node the lichen contains up to 190 μg·g-1 of ascorbic acid, the catalase activity is up to 17 u.o.d. g-1·s-1, and antioxidant activity is up to 53%, while at the background point these indices do not exceed 130 μg·g-1 , 7 u.o.d. g-1·s-1 and 35%, respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that under stress condition there is a free-radical oxidation that can regarded as a marker of development of a non-specific stable in lichens under the influence of various stressors.
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