The paper presents the results of the study of influence of nature (in particular, dielectric constant and dynamic viscosity) and the concentration of the following extractants: methanol, ethanol, propanol, acetone, dimethylsulfoxide, ethyl acetate, propanol-2, butanol, butanol-2 for the extraction of flavonoids from Canadian goldenrod grass. The content of flavonoids in extracts prepared from the Canadian goldenrod grass was statistically significant (p<0.05) depending on the nature and concentration of the extractants used to prepare them. The most critical factor influencing on the extraction of this group of biologically active substances was the dynamic viscosity of the extractant. It was found that aqueous solutions of extractants have a greater extractive capacity than the corresponding absolute extractants. The maximum amount of flavonoids was extracted with use 80% methanol, 60% ethanol, 40% propanol, 60% acetone and 80% dimethylsulfoxide. From two to seven flavonoids were detected using the high-performance liquid chromatography method in the prepared extracts. The manner of the extraction of the flavonoids sum was predominantly determined by the dominant glycoside – isoquercitrin. Considering the better reproducibility of the extraction of the flavonoids sum, the wide application of ethanol and its aqueous solutions as extractants, the attribution of this extractant to low-toxic solvents and a greater extractive capacity for other classes of phenolic compounds (in particular, hydroxycinnamic acids), 60% ethanol is recommended to use for extraction of flavonoids from the Canadian goldenrod grass.
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