• Игорь (Igor) Борисович (Borisovich) Катраков (Katrakov) Altay State University Email:
  • Вадим (Vadim) Иванович (Ivanovich) Маркин (Markin) Altay State University Email:
  • Петр (Petr) Владимирович (Vladimirovich) Колосов (Kolosov) Altay State University Email:
Keywords: wood plate materials, medium density plate materials, bifunctional binders, formaldehyde-free technologies, cavitation


The paper presents the results of experiments on the production of wood board materials without the use of formaldehyde-containing resins. As the initial samples used sawdust of pine wood without and using cavitation pretreatment in a neutral medium. Bifunctional synthetic substances were selected as binders: phthalic and maleic acids and their anhydrides, glycols-ethylene glycol and butanediol-1,4, as well as equimolar two-component mixtures based on them with a concentration of 5-15%. The resulting presses were hot-formed at a temperature of 160 °C and a pressure of 10 MPa. As a result of the experiment, wood-based board materials of medium density with bending strength 11.0–46.0 MPa, water absorption for 24 hours – 1–115% and swelling in thickness over 24 hours – 3–100% are obtained. The most beneficial is the use of a 5% concentration of binders satisfying the standard. Cavitated pre-treatment of plant raw materials allows to increase the strength characteristics by 1.3 times. Samples with the best physicomechanical indexes are obtained when maleic acid and its anhydride are used as a binder and their mixtures with glycols. In IR spectroscopy it was determined that the main bonds forming the mesh structure of plate materials are ester ones.

Thus, under the selected molding conditions, plate-free plate materials based on bifunctional synthetic binders with high environmental and physico-mechanical properties are obtained.


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Author Biographies

Игорь (Igor) Борисович (Borisovich) Катраков (Katrakov), Altay State University
Доцент кафедры органической химии, канд. хим. наук
Вадим (Vadim) Иванович (Ivanovich) Маркин (Markin), Altay State University
Доцент кафедры органической химии, канд. хим. наук
Петр (Petr) Владимирович (Vladimirovich) Колосов (Kolosov), Altay State University
Доцент кафедры органической химии, канд. хим. наук


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How to Cite
1. Катраков (Katrakov)И. (Igor) Б. (Borisovich), Маркин (Markin)В. (Vadim) И. (Ivanovich), Колосов (Kolosov)П. (Petr) В. (Vladimirovich) BIFUNCTIONAL SYNTHETIC BINDINGS AS ALTERNATIVE FOR THE BEZFORMALDEHYDE PRODUCTION OF WOOD PLATE MATERIALS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2018. № 3. P. 251-260. URL: