• Эркин (Erkin) Хожиакбарович (Hozhiakbarovich) Ботиров (Botirov) Surgut State University, Lenina st., 1, Surgut, 628412 Email: botirov-nepi@mail.ru
  • Абдурашид (Abdurashid) Каримов (Karimov) Namangan State University, Uichi st., 316, Namangan, 716001 Email: abdurashidka@mail.ru
  • Малик (Malik) Патахович (Patahovich) Юлдашев (Yuldashev) Institute of Plant Chemistry of them. Acad. SY Yunusov, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, ul. Mirzo Ulugbeka, 77, Tashkent, 700170 Email: botirov-nepi@mail.ru
Keywords: Scutellaria adenostegia Briq., Lamiaceae, flavones, flavanones


The article is devoted to the phytochemical study of flavonoids of roots and above-ground part of Scutellaria adenostegia Briq. families of Lamiaceae. From the overgrown part of Scutellaria adenostegia Briq. the known flavonoids norvogonin, oroxylin А, quercetin, hispidulin, and from the roots – vogonin, chrysin-7-O-methylglucuronide, oroxyloside, vogonoside, (±)-5,21-dihydroxi-6,6′,7-trimethoxiflavanone, (-)-5,21-dihydroxi-6,6′,7,8-tetramethoxyflavanone are first abstracted. Foregoing flavonoids are identified on the basis of results of chemical transformations (acid and alkaline hydrolysis), data of IR, UV, 1Н-NMR and mass spectra, comparing of physical and chemical constants to literary information, and also direct comparing to the standards of flavonoids, abstracted from other types of Scutellaria L. It is set that in composition the flavonoids of Scutellaria adenostegia Briq. connections prevail with unsubstituted for the ring of В.


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Author Biographies

Эркин (Erkin) Хожиакбарович (Hozhiakbarovich) Ботиров (Botirov), Surgut State University, Lenina st., 1, Surgut, 628412

Профессор, доктор химических наук, заведующий кафедрой химии ГБУ ВПО "Сургутский государственный университет ХМАО-Югры"

Научная специальность - 02.00.10 - биоорганическая химия

Абдурашид (Abdurashid) Каримов (Karimov), Namangan State University, Uichi st., 316, Namangan, 716001
докторант кафедры химии


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How to Cite
1. Ботиров (Botirov)Э. (Erkin) Х. (Hozhiakbarovich), Каримов (Karimov)А. (Abdurashid), Юлдашев (Yuldashev)М. (Malik) П. (Patahovich) FLAVONOIDS OF SCUTELLARIA ADENOSTEGIA BRIQ. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2014. № 1. P. 63-68. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/463.
Low-molecular weight compounds