UDC 633.88:576.8

  • Sitara Jalal Mustafayeva Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Sirajeddin Veli Serkerov Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Konul Farrux Bakhshaliyeva Institute of Microbiology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: Anthemis altissima, extract, chromatography-mass-spectrometry, biological active compounds, antifungal, cultures of pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporium, Aspergillus niger


The qualitative and quantitative composition of chemical components of ethanol extract of the above-ground part of Anthemis altissima L. (syn. Cota altissima (L.) J.Gay) species (family Asteraceae) collected during flowering phase from the flora of Azerbaijan has been studied.

The chemical composition of ethanol extract was analyzed by chromatography-mass-spectrometry methods. 54 components were identified in the extract. As a result of the study, it was found that the A. altissima contained benzene aromatic compounds (77.21%). Among them Benzene, (1-butylheptyl) – 7.84%, Benzene, (1-propyloctyl) – 7.71%, Benzene, (1-pentyloctyl) – 7.03%, Benzene, (1-pentylheptyl) – 5.69%, Benzene, (1-butyloctyl) – 5.37%, Benzene, (1-propylnonyl) – 5.02% were the main components.

 In addition to the above components in the extract of the aerial part other biological active substances, such as alcohols (6.37% – of them prevail Hop-22(29)-en-3. β.-ol – 1.53%, γ-Sitosterol – 1.32%), esters of acids (5.3% – of them prevail Hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester – 0.88%; Linoleic acid, ethyl ester – 0.63%) and alkanes (1.64% – of them prevail Eicosane – 0.53%; Pentacosane – 0.40%) were also identified. The share of unidentified components was 8.99%.

The article also presents the results of the study of the antifungal properties of A. altissima and its aqueous extract against the culture of pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporium and Aspergillus niger. The aqueous extract of A. altissima, in contrast to the plant itself, shows a fungistatic effect on the fungi Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus niger.


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Author Biographies

Sitara Jalal Mustafayeva, Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Leading scientist, candidate of biological sciences (Ph.D), assistant of professor, Plant resources department

Sirajeddin Veli Serkerov, Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Doctor, Professor, Plant resources department

Konul Farrux Bakhshaliyeva, Institute of Microbiology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Doctor, assistant of professor, Head of laboratory of "Microbiological Biotechnology"


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How to Cite
1. Mustafayeva S. J., Serkerov S. V., Bakhshaliyeva K. F. THE STUDY OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE EXTRACT AND ANTIMYCOTIC PROPERTIES ANTHEMIS ALTISSIMA L. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2019. № 4. P. 129-134. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds