UDC 544.77.052.5
The stimulating effect of humic acids on the processes of growth and development of cress seeds has been revealed. It has been established that use of humic acids of black alder fen peat most effectively affects the sowing qualities of seeds under conditions of oil pollution (an increase in the germination energy and germination capacity compared to the non-humic acid variant by 38%). The minimal inhibitory effect on shoot growth was observed in the soil with hexadecane (20.8 mm less than the control), the maximum – in the soil with oil (22.5 mm less than the control). Humic acids show a stimulating effect on the growth of cress roots under conditions of pollution with oil hydrocarbons. The root length indicators exceeded the values obtained in the version with the pollutant without the use of humic acids from 6% (oil) to 16% of the control (hexadecane). Based on the data obtained during the vegetation experiments, it can be assumed that the stimulating activity of humic acids is more pronounced in stressful conditions for the organism. The biostimulating effect of humic acids was revealed, which manifested itself in an increase in the length of the hypocotyl and root, and the physiological activity of detoxicants was more effectively detected under conditions of pollution with oil hydrocarbons. According to the results of the vegetative experience on a substrate with hexadecane during the irrigation with humic acids of sphagnum high-moor peat, the maximum values of the test responses were determined, corresponding to the control values obtained on the uncontaminated substrate, or higher than the latter. In the variant with oil, the most pronounced effect was achieved with the introduction of humic acids of reed fen and sphagnum high-moor peat, which confirms the hypothesis about the protective effect of humic acids in pollution conditions, which is determined by the binding ability of humic acids in relation to toxicant and their own biological activity in the relation to plants. It is proved that humic acids of peats make a significant contribution to the natural processes of self-purification, causing immobilization and detoxification of petroleum hydrocarbons, which indicates the prospects of their application in technologies of purification and recultivation of polluted water and soil media.
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