UDC 581.192: 582.684.1 (571.1/5)
Revealing the specificity of the accumulation of ChEs, which are among the most toxic, is of not only theoretical, but also practical importance – for the development and confirmation of safety standards for medicinal plant raw materials. This is especially true for plants exhibiting the ability to accumulate elements, for example, Hypericum perforatum L., one of the specific features of which is the ability to accumulate Cd. The aim of the work is to study the content of standardized chemical elements (As, Cd, Hg, Pb) in Hypericum perforatum plants in the south of Western Siberia and to assess the quality of Herba Hyperici medicinal plant raw materials; on the basis of the obtained data and literature data, to reveal the features of the accumulation of these elements in H. perforatum plants of the Eurasian region. 100 samples of the aboveground and 60 samples of the underground part of H. perforatum from Western Siberia (Novosibirsk region, Kemerovo region, Republic of Altai) were studied: Pb and Cd were determined after dry ashing by atomic emission spectrometry, As – according to GOST R 51766-2001, Hg – according to GOST R 53183-2008. Statistically significant differences in the total ChE content in different samples are not manifested, the maximum levels of Cd and Pb are noted both in samples from disturbed ecotopes and in control variants, the As and Hg content is below the detection limit. The amount of Pb in H. perforatum plants and Cd in underground organs does not exceed the MPC for medicinal plant raw materials and dietary supplements, the concentration of Cd in the aerial part of H. perforatum grass can be both higher and significantly lower than the MPC. The minimum degree of the transition of ChE into extracts is observed in plants with a high content of total ash and a residue insoluble in 10% HCl. The extractability of Cd into dosage forms is low, which indicates the need to develop MPCs for available (biologically active) forms of ChE in medicinal plant raw materials.
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