The results of extractive compounds contain research in the different parts of the Siberian larch crown (needles, bark, wood part of twigs) collected in summer and autumn and fallen-down needles are presented. The extractive compounds and essential oils contains extracted by organic solvents (petroleum and diethyl ethers, ethyl acetate and isopropyl alcohol) are detected. It is defined that the Siberian larch needles contain less extractive compounds (extracted by petroleum and diethyl ethers) than fir spruce needles, Scotch pine needles and Siberian fir needles, but they may be compared by isopropanol soluble extractives. The main quantity of the essential oils and extractives soluble in petroleum and diethyl ethers, ethyl acetate is detected in twig bark. Autumn collected needles and twigs extractives contain (extracted by all solvent kinds) increase, contain of essential oils is decrease.
The group composition of the isopropyl alcohol extractives of all kinds of raw materials and the group composition of petroleum and diethyl ethers extracts are presented. The main part of the isopropanol extract is petroleum ether soluble fraction (lipophilic fraction).
The twig bark lipophilic fraction (of the isopropanol extract) consists of free acids for 60%, twig wood part collected in summer and autumn twigs lipophilic fractions consist of free acids for 50%, the lipophilic fractions of summer needles and fallen-down needles consist of neutral compounds for 70%.
The main part of diethyl ether extract (obtained from isopropanol extract) of the all kinds of raw materials consists of phenolic acids (substances which may be extracted by aqueous sodium hydrogencarbonate). Summer needles and fallen-down needles diethyl ether extracts consist of substances which may be extracted by aqueous caustic for 28% and 40%.
The main content of the diethyl ether neutral compounds is detected in fallen-down needles. It is 25%.
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