UDC 661.728.86

  • Svetlana Marsel'yevna Romanova Kazan National Research Technological University Email:
  • Dinara Ilnurovna Sabirova Kazan National Research Technological University Email:
  • Maksim Vyacheslavovich Shulaev Kazan National Research Technological University Email:
Keywords: polymer processing, cellulose nitrate, azidation, nucleophilic substitution, chemical modification


A synthesis method of azidocellulose nitrate by chemical interaction between cellulose nitrates or chlorocellulose nitrates with various degree of chlorination with sodium azide in a medium of dimethylsulfoxide and with heating in the temperature range 40–70 °C is proposed. The chemical composition, structure and properties of the obtained compounds are determined on the basis of combination of physico-chemical methods of analysis: IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopy; elemental analysis; gel permeation chromatography; viscometry; thermogravimetric analysis; differential scanning calorimetry; thermal polarization microscopy. The main directions of the chemical interaction between polymers and sodium azide were predicted by quantum-chemical methods using the Gaussian 09 software. The reaction mechanism was confirmed by a mathematical model of kinetics. The scheme of the preferred simultaneously going reaction directions has been composed, which includes substitution of nitrate groups by the azide fragment; rupture of polymer chains by β-glycosidic bond leading to depolymerization; opening of the glucopyranose cycle with addition of the azidogroup to the formed free bonds. Use of the chlorocellulose nitrate for the azidation allows to get products with a higher degree of substitution by azidogroups, and the rate of azidation of chlorocellulose nitrate depends on halogen content directly.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana Marsel'yevna Romanova, Kazan National Research Technological University

кандидат химических наук, доцент

Dinara Ilnurovna Sabirova, Kazan National Research Technological University

кандидат химических наук, ассистент

Maksim Vyacheslavovich Shulaev, Kazan National Research Technological University

доктор технических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
1. Romanova S. M., Sabirova D. I., Shulaev M. V. SYNTHESIS OF AZIDOCELLULOSE NITRATES // chemistry of plant raw material, 2020. № 3. P. 25-33. URL:
Biopolymers of plants