UDC 676.22.017:677.1.002.68

  • Khalima Abishevna Babakhanova Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Email: babakhanova63@inbox.ru
  • Zulfiya Kamilovna Galimova Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Email: z.galimova8282@mail.ru
  • Mansur Mekhridinovich Abdunazarov Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Email: abdunazarov.1977@mail.ru
  • Ikrom Ibrokhim ugli Ismoilov Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute Email: ikromzhon.ismailov@bk.ru
Keywords: paper, texture, cellulose pulp, inner layer of branches bark, mulberry, absorbency, sorption properties


The article to study the texture of paper, in the composition of which the cellulose pulp from the inner layer of mulberry branches bark is added, studies the paper’s absorbency and sorption properties. The absorbency of the paper was determined by the volume of water absorbed by the paper surface while wetting one side of the test sample. It was found that the addition of cellulose pulp from the inner layer of mulberry branch bark to the cotton paper pulp contributes to the strengthening of the structure which is confirmed by the values of mechanical strength and surface absorbency during one-side wetting with water. To study the physical structure of a paper sheet water vapor sorption was investigated in a high-vacuum sorption plant with mercury valves and quartz balances. On the basis of S-shaped sorption isotherms it is determined that the paper sample where the composition contains only cellulose pulp from the inner layer of the mulberry branches bark has the highest sorption properties which indicates the presence of disordered amorphous areas where the accessibility for water molecules is higher. It has been established that in order to obtain paper the structure of which ensured selective absorption of low-molecular fluid it is enough to add 10–20% of cellulose pulp from the inner layer of mulberry branches bark to the paper pulp; and further addition will result in misalignment of the paint contour during printing due to significant deformation of paper size.


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Author Biographies

Khalima Abishevna Babakhanova, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry

доктор технических наук, профессор кафедры технологии полиграфического и упаковочного процессов

Zulfiya Kamilovna Galimova, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry

ассистент кафедры технологии полиграфического и упаковочного процессов

Mansur Mekhridinovich Abdunazarov, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry

старший преподаватель кафедры технологии полиграфического и упаковочного процессов

Ikrom Ibrokhim ugli Ismoilov, Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute

соискатель кафедры химической технологии


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How to Cite
1. Babakhanova K. A., Galimova Z. K., Abdunazarov M. M., Ismoilov I. I. ugli TEXTURE OF PAPER WITH THE ADDITION OF CELLULOSE PULP FROM THE BARK OF MULBERRY BRANCHES // chemistry of plant raw material, 2020. № 4. P. 261-266. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/7761.
Paper and cardboard