UDC 543.31
The influence of technological factors (wood species, degree of delignification, the technological regime of pulping) of cellulose semi-products production on composition and qualitative properties of wastewaters of pulp and paper mills following priority of harmonizing of technological and ecological rationing of industrial enterprises. The features of the biopolymer’s composition of the lignin-carbohydrate matrix of coniferous and deciduous species, its functional nature, and self-organization were provided. The main paths of chemical bond destruction in the lignin-carbohydrate complex during delignification and formation of the composition of organic fractions in local wastewaters were shown. The implementation of complementary indicators (COD, BOD5, general and organic carbon, the content of lignin, and volatile phenols) for in-house ecological and analytical control and rationing was substantiated. The dependence of integral indicator COD from the content of fractions of organic components from wastewaters was established. These components are products of destruction and chemical transformation of the lignin-carbohydrate matrix of deciduous and coniferous wood produced during delignification. The composition and the main phenolic components of wastewaters were determined by gas chromatography with mass detection. The correctness of worldwide practice of using "phenolic index" in the system of in-house control of pulp and paper mill was justified.
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