UDC 630*41:581.132
Balsam poplar is important component of landscaping urban environments. It’s characterized by high growth rate and resistance to negative environmental factors, but in urbanization conditions it’s intensely affected by diseases, especially stem rot. Biochemical composition of poplar has been studied, mainly in buds [1–4]. In leaves, it’s less studied [5–7]. Therefore, study of influence of stem rot on phenolic compounds of Balsam poplar leaves at urbanization conditions was main purpose of research. Biochemical composition of leaves was studied by HPLC. Chromatography of leaf extracts revealed 88 compounds, identified 22 of them. Predominant tendency was activation of their synthesis: 45.46%. Flavonoids are dominated in their composition (50%). 27.27% of compounds inhibition of phenolic compounds synthesis was observed, 27.27% content is not change. This is consequence of reaction to oxidative stress. Differences in composition of chemical compounds in leaves of control and diseased plants were not observed. Reaction of woody plants different species to stem rot and pollution is different. This is due to both the species-specificity of the reaction and different levels of resistance and tolerance of various species and different mechanisms of adaptation to these factors. Probably different species of plants have different strategies for dealing with effects of environments factors, it’s possible that similar mechanism exists for different species of stands affected by rot.
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