UDC 661.123+54.056+534.18

  • Elizaveta Mikhailovna Ipanova St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov Email:
  • Daria Viktorovna Zarembo St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology Email:
  • Dmitriy Nikolayevich Vedernikov St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov Email:
Keywords: Echinacea purpurea, extraction, 40% ethanol, acoustic effect


The article describes the option of intensification extraction process from the Echinacea purpurea. The effect of acoustic exposure (modulation of stretching) on an increase in the yield of extractives during the extraction of Echinaceae herbs with a 40% aqueous solution of ethanol is discussed.

The extraction results were evaluated by the solid residue, the optical density of the solution. The yield of extractive substances is increased 1.5 times by generating a specific electrical signal in the form of a meander with a certain frequency range 350 kHz and amplitude 3 V. The yield of extractives is calculated on the sum of hydroxycinnamic acids. The best extraction time is determined. The results obtained allow us to hope for a reduction in the preparation time of extracts in the existing production of Echinacea tincture, where 40% ethanol is used and the infusion time exceeds 2 days. In further work, attention will be focused on finding optimal extraction conditions when using 70% ethanol and hot water, solvents used in a number of industries. Studying the effect of the solvent on extraction may allow us to get closer to explaining the observed phenomenon.


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Author Biographies

Elizaveta Mikhailovna Ipanova, St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov


Daria Viktorovna Zarembo, St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology

Associate Professor

Dmitriy Nikolayevich Vedernikov, St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov



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How to Cite
1. Ipanova E. M., Zarembo D. V., Vedernikov D. N. INCREASE IN THE YIELD OF CINNAMIC ACIDS DERIVATIVES FROM ECHINACEA AS A RESULT OF WEAK ACOUSTIC EFFECTS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 2. P. 327-331. URL: