UDC 581.192.1

  • Vladimir Petrovich Makarov Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS Email: vm2853@mail.ru
  • Svetlana Vladimirovna Borzenko Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS Email: svb_64@mail.ru
  • Nadezhda Viktorovna Pomazkova Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS Email: zorgo-chita@mail.ru
  • Tat'yana Vital'yevna Zhelibo Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS Email: zhelibo@mail.ru
Keywords: Gmelin larch, needles, Udokan ridge, chemical elements


The article presents materials for the study of the content of chemical elements in the coniferous larch Gmelina (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) family Pinaceae (syn.: Larix dahurica Turcz. ex Trautv., Larix amurensis Beissn.), growing in the high-altitude region of the North of the TRANS-Baikal territory, near the Udokan copper Deposit. The purpose of the research is to assess the concentration of a number of chemical elements in high-altitude and permafrost soils, while preparing the territory of the copper Deposit for exploitation. Selection of larch plant samples was carried out in the types of larch forests widely distributed in the research area, in June 2011. The analysis of pine needles samples was performed according to approved methods using modern instruments and equipment in the laboratory of Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS. It was found that in General L. Gmelin needles have a low concentration of chemical elements, which are arranged in the following sequence: Mg> Sr> Al> Ba> Fe > Ti> Ni> Cu> Mn> Hg> Zn> V> Ag> Cr> Pb> Cd> Sb> Co> Se> As. At the same time, mercury is the only element whose concentration in larch conifers is much higher, 3.8 times, than that of land plants. The article presents a correlation table of the interaction of chemical elements. The table shows that titanium, aluminum, zinc, and silver have a greater effect on the content of chemical elements in conifers. The results presented in the article were obtained in the studied area for the first time. It is important to use the results of this work to monitor environmental pollution, to take into account when using larch to obtain medicinal substances, and to increase the productivity of forest plantations. Further research in this area may be related to other areas of distribution of larch forests, geochemical assessment of the region.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir Petrovich Makarov, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS

кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник

Svetlana Vladimirovna Borzenko, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS

доктор геолого-минералогических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник

Nadezhda Viktorovna Pomazkova, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS

кандидат географических наук, научный сотрудник

Tat'yana Vital'yevna Zhelibo, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS



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How to Cite
1. Makarov V. P., Borzenko S. V., Pomazkova N. V., Zhelibo T. V. FEATURES OF THE CONTENT OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN THE CONIFEROUS LARCH GMELINA IN THE AR-EA OF THE UDOKAN COPPER DEPOSIT // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 2. P. 191-200. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/8832.
Low-molecular weight compounds