UDC 634.739.2/.3:581.192 (571.14)

  • Aleksey Borisovich Gorbunov Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Email: gab_2002ru@ngs.ru
  • Tat'yana Abdulkhailovna Kukushkina Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Email: kukushkina-phyto@yandex.ru
Keywords: Oxycoccus palustris Pers., O. macrocarpus (Aiton) Pursh, dry substance, ascorbic acid, sugars, acids, anthocyans, pectins, protopectins and catechins


The aim of the work was study of the variability of fruit chemical composition of O. palustris (2 samples) and O. macrocarpus (6 samples) cultivars and forms introduced in CSBG depending on the conditions of the year. Biochemical research of the content of dry substance, ascorbic acid, sugars, titratable acidity, anthocyanins, pectins, protopectins and catechins in berries of these samples were conducted. The chemical composition was analyzed by conventional methods.

O. palustris surpasses O. macrocarpus in the content of ascorbic acid and titratable acidity, but is inferior to it in the accumulation of anthocyanins, pectins and protopectins. In comparison with the studied samples of both species, the native O. palustris accumulates the greatest amount of ascorbic acid and the least amount of sugars. The early cultivars of O. macrocarpus exceeds the mid-season cultivars and are close to late-maturing ones in terms of ascorbic acid content. The difference in the accumulation of other ingredients in the fruits of both O. palustris and O. macrocarpus is not statistically significant. According to the chemical composition of berries, O. palustris and O. macrocarpus are promising for introduction in the South of Western Siberia.


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Author Biographies

Aleksey Borisovich Gorbunov, Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS

кандидат биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории интродукции пищевых растений

Tat'yana Abdulkhailovna Kukushkina, Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS

старший научный сотрудник


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How to Cite
1. Gorbunov A. B., Kukushkina T. A. DYNAMICS OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BERRIES OF INTRODUCED CULTIVARS AND FORMS OF CRANBERRIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF CENTRAL SIBERIAN BOTANICAL GARDEN SB RAS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 4. P. 241-249. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/8977.
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