UDC 581.19:634.776

  • Yana Leonidovna Strakh Belarusian State Technological University Email:
  • Ol'ga Stepanovna Ignatovets Belarusian State Technological University Email:
Keywords: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus L., plant material, population, antioxidant activity, antiradical activity, phenolic compounds, flavonoids


Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) is the leader among northern berries in the content of phenolic compounds, which can cause a wide range of biological activity. Currently, there is an increased interest in the study of the antioxidant activity of plant extracts in order to search for promising sources of raw materials for the pharmaceutical and food industries. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of interpopulation and gender differences in antioxidant and antiradical activities in vitro of cloudberry leaf extracts growing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Classical spectrophotometric methods were used for determination: phosphomolibdenic method, Fe + 2-chelating activity, NO-inhibiting activity, inhibition of hydroxyl radicals (OH), method of superoxide radical inhibition in an alkaline solution of dimethylsulfoxide, DPPH, ABTS. Differences in the content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in the alcoholic extracts of leaf blades of Rubus chamaemorus L. It was found that the population of the Bolshoi Mokh preserve possesses the highest inhibition rates of hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radicals. The maximum iron-chelating activity was exhibited by the extracts of the male plant of the Bolshoy Moh preserve. The least inhibitory activity of Rubus chamaemorus L. leaf extracts was shown to the nitrogen-oxide radical. The established values of antioxidant and antiradical activities, as well as the content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids of the leaf blades of Rubus chamaemorus L. may be important for the development of measures to preserve the species and specific populations on the southern border of the habitat.


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Author Biographies

Yana Leonidovna Strakh, Belarusian State Technological University


Ol'ga Stepanovna Ignatovets, Belarusian State Technological University

кандидат биологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры биотехнологии


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How to Cite
1. Strakh Y. L., Ignatovets O. S. ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTIRADICAL ACTIVITY IN VITRO OF EXTRACTS FROM THE LEAVES OF RUBUS CHAMAEMORUS L. (ROSACEAE) // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 4. P. 319-325. URL: