UDC 676.164.8 544.723.2:547.556.9

  • Tatiana Maslakovа Ural State Forestry University Email:
  • Alesya Vurasko Ural State Forestry University Email:
  • Inna Pervova Ural State Forestry University Email:
  • Pavel Maslakov Ural State Forestry University Email:
  • Ludmila Aleshina Ural State Economic University Email:
  • Irina Shapovalova Ural State Forestry University Email:
Keywords: rice husk, oat straw, cellulose matrix composition, modified sorbents, water safety control, hetarylformazans, solid-phase reactive indicator system, mercury, test-systems, express analytic system


The study presented by the authors is devoted to the study of the properties and the possibility of using technical cellulose from non-wood plant raw materials as a solid-phase matrix to obtain solid-phase reactive indicator systems by the following methods: synthesis method on the base of a hetarylformazane immobilized on a cellulose matrix and development of analytical systems based on preconcentration of the determined metal ion by a matrix with subsequent its «revealing» by the formazan («revealing» method).

The article focuses on determination of optimal combinations of chromogenic organic reagents (hetarylformazanes) and cellulose-based matrices for developing solid-phase reaction-based indicator systems. Adsorption features of formazan reagents onto cellulose matrices was studied. It has been established the relation between the reagent molecule structure, composition of cellulose matrix and analytical properties of the test-systems synthesized to determine metal ions. Different approaches were developed and applied to reveal the visually observable and easily measured effect due to cellulose properties as well as properties of hetarylformazanes fixed on the surface of the matrix. This fact allows to control sensitivity and selectivity of solid-phase reactive indicator systems for water quality assessment.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana Maslakovа, Ural State Forestry University

PhD (Сhemical),  Associate professor of the Department of physical and chemical technologies in environmental engineering

Alesya Vurasko, Ural State Forestry University

DSc (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department technology of pulp and paper industries and polymer processing

Inna Pervova, Ural State Forestry University

DSc (Chemical), Professor of the Department of physical and chemical technologies in environmental engineering

Pavel Maslakov, Ural State Forestry University

Assistant of the Department of physical and chemical technologies in environmental engineering

Ludmila Aleshina, Ural State Economic University

Associate professor of the Department of physics and chemistry

Irina Shapovalova, Ural State Forestry University



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How to Cite
1. MaslakovаT., Vurasko A., Pervova I., Maslakov P., Aleshina L., Shapovalova I. STUDY OF TECHNICAL CELLULOSE AS A MATRIX-SORBENT TO DEVELOP EXPRESS ANALYTIC SYSTEM FOR WATER SAFETY CONTROL // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 4. P. 351-359. URL: