UDC 628.316.13

  • Muslima Iftikhorovna Karabayeva Fergana Polytechnic Institute Email:
  • Saodat Rakhmatzhanovna Mirsalimova Fergana Polytechnic Institute Email:
  • Dilnoza Saidakbarovna Salikhanova Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
  • Sadokat Valizhanovna Mamadaliyeva Fergana Polytechnic Institute Email:
  • Safiye Saidbambievna Ortikova Fergana Polytechnic Institute Email:
Keywords: activated carbon, indigo carmine, Congo red, biosorbent, activation


Currently, one of the major and global problems is the treatment of wastewater from organic industrial waste, such as textile waste. The solution to this problem is the production of environmentally friendly adsorbents based on plant raw materials. The increasing use of natural resources, biomass recovery, and biomass waste in the past decade, has attracted the attention of an increasing number of scientists. Activated carbon (AC), used to remove organic micro-pollutants in the world's wastewater treatment plants, is typically produced from non-renewable resources such as peat, lignite, coal, anthracite, wood materials, waste from the paper industry, leather industry, and animal substances that must be transported over long distances. The use of local residual biomass as feedstock can be beneficial in terms of sustainability. The review is devoted to the analysis of publications in this area in recent years. The main areas of application of adsorbents based on peanut shells are considered. Examples of the implementation of the production of an adsorbent based on plant waste and their use for water purification from various chemicals are given, as well as the advantages of using a technology based on the adsorption of organic substances on activated carbon.


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Author Biographies

Muslima Iftikhorovna Karabayeva, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

соискатель, ассистент кафедры химической технологии

Saodat Rakhmatzhanovna Mirsalimova, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

кандидат химических наук, заведующий кафедрой химической технологии

Dilnoza Saidakbarovna Salikhanova, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

доктор технических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник

Sadokat Valizhanovna Mamadaliyeva, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

доктор технических наук, старший препадователь кафедры химической технологии

Safiye Saidbambievna Ortikova, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

доктор технических наук, доцент кафедры химической технологии


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How to Cite
1. Karabayeva M. I., Mirsalimova S. R., Salikhanova D. S., Mamadaliyeva S. V., Ortikova S. S. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF USE OF WASTE OF PLANT RAW MATERIALS (PEANUT SHELL) AS ADSORBENTS (RE-VIEW) // chemistry of plant raw material, 2022. № 1. P. 53-69. URL: