With the object development technological schemata of production n-butanol of microbiological synthesis provided yield of amount solvents no less 40% from carbohydrates in media, do intensification of process acetone-butanol fermentation by means of obtain new strain Сlostridium асеtobutylicum ВКПМ В-10289 и ВКПМ В-10290 and optimization of composition starch-containing media with yield of amount solvents 39-53% from carbohydrates in media.
Develop technological schemata of production n-butanol use as bases on complex treatment mixture of a cellulose- or hemicellulose-containing material, bran, molasses, provided three variationes: 1. buosynthesis of n-butanol Cl. acetobutylicum СВ-2 ВКПМ В-10290 of rye flour with usage of fermentative liquid Cl. tyrobutyricum; 2. tow stage process of extraction n-butanol of fermentative liquid in acetone-butanol continuous fermentation and after her end; 3. production n-butanol by traditional technology with researched straines or of simbiosisal consortium two bacterias Cl. tyrobutyricum и Cl. acetobutylicum with or without extraction n-butanol of exhaust fermentative liquid. The yield of amount solvents following: 1 – up to 40% from carbohydrates in media; 2 – up to 34,5%; 3 – up to 43% from fermented carbohydrates.
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