The composition and content of flavonoid in the above-ground plant organs Pentaphylloides fruticosa (bush cinquefoil from Rosaceae family) in natural conditions and the introduction were studied. The samples for the study were picked in natural cenopopulation (Central Altai, Ongudai District, near the village Bichiktu-Bom) and at the introduction division of the Altai branch CSBG (Central Altai, Shebalinsk District, village Kamlak) and CSBG (city Novosibirsk) in July 2002 and 2006 during full blossom. The plants were grown from the seeds gathered in 1996 and 2000 in natural cenopopulation (Central Altai, Ongudai District, near the village Bichiktu-Bom). Identification and the quantitative content of flavonoids were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It has been established, that the composition of flavonoid of leaves, flowers and annual shoots not changed. The total flavonoid content in the 6 year old plants in the introduction was 1,3–1,5 times lower in comparison with natural cenopopulations of the seeds which they were grown. Changes in the accumulation of flavonoids in P. fruticosa cultivated in the plot of introduction in CSBG (Novosibirsk) more visible, compared with the Central Altai (village Kamlak). The component 3, Hyperoside, Isoquercitrin, Quercetin-3-β-rutinoside, and Quercetin-3-α-arabinofuranoside higher in the flowers than in the leaves, regardless of the growth conditions. The component 10, Quercetin and Kaempferol, however, prevailed in the leaves.
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