The main phytochemical characteristics such as moisture, total ash, water- and spirit extractive compaunds in Jucca gloriosa L.Agavaceae grown on standard medium have been studied. The steroid glycosides (furostanol analogs) were isolated from cell culture for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Lipids fractionation and total lipids quantitative estimation were carried out. The level of the antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase) and proteolytic potential of the cell culture (acid and alkaline proteinases) have been investigated. Biological activity of different samples from dry biomassa was estimated in experiment in vitro. It is shown that these samples stimulated seed germination and seedling growth of Pisum sativum. Hypolipidemic properties of these samples have been determined in experimental hyperlipidemic model. It was established that biologically active substances from cultivated cells decreased the content of total cholesterol and going out haemoglobin from erytrocites membranes in experience in vitro. So, then the higher plant cell culture can serve as a source valuable of biologically active compounds in medicine and agriculture practice.
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