For Authors

For Authors

Acceptance of articles for publication in the journal "Khimiia rastitel'nogo syr'ia" (Chemistry of plant raw material) through the Open Journal Systems is carried out in a continuous mode. Authors should be aware that the process of reviewing the article, review, and editing and publishing processing takes a long time (at least 3-4 months). Authors should consider the publication of all among the already accepted for publication articles. Therefore, the time of receipt of the article prior to its publication may be long enough. This article will be the date of receipt of the article to the editor and date of the article after its processing and corrections.

We ask the authors to carefully and meticulously follow the rules for authors. Any deviations from the rules are tightened publishing process and significantly increases the labor costs for the preparation of the manuscript. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject and not to consider the manuscript, executed not by the rules for authors. Revision on its own initiative in talks with authors does not come.

General requirements for the scientific paper materials

 Author(s) in accordance with the following requirements shall issue a scientific paper materials.

 The manuscript is available in electronic form (see. The order of presentation materials to the editor of a scientific article). The requirements to the structure of the article, registration of the text, tables, figures, bibliographies, and other elements can be found in the rules for the author.

Authors of published materials are responsible for the accuracy of this information and the use of the data are not subject to open publication. Please note the authors of that article coming to the editorial board checked with the use "Antiplagiat» system ( The Editorial Board reserves the right to demand explanations from the authors about plagiarism sighted (samoplagiata). When submitting the article the author should confirm that the article has not been previously published, nor submitted for review to another journal.

The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes.

Editorial opinion may not coincide with those of the authors.

The order of the editors of scientific material Article


1. Acceptance of papers for consideration and review through an online system for receiving articles Open Journal Systems Journal online at: Instructions for using the system is available on the website. The author has the ability to monitor the progress in the wording of the article in your personal account Open Journal Systems and be notified by email.

 The author, after you register in the system, load paper in the format of Microsoft Word (.doc, docx) or rtf. Should also be scanned version uploaded supporting documents: an expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the press, the license agreement.

Expert opinion is issued on the requirements set out in the organization - the employer of the author. Please note that the editorial board is not a body empowered to monitor the possibility of the material published in the press. The entire responsibility for the publication of submitted materials in the press lies with the authors.

Do not download archives! Load each file separately, giving him an appropriate description.

2. The form of the double-blind peer review in accordance with the provisions adopted on the reviewing journal. These reviewers are not disclosed to the authors and reviewers do not know who is the author of the article. It is necessary to eliminate all of the information and any reference to the authors of the file name and the text in the file is loaded articles for initial consideration in the wording in order to comply with the conditions of the double-blind peer review. This data is loaded into the system, Open Journal Systems separately, in the appropriate boxes.

The decision to publish, notes (recommendation), the reviewer and the decision of the editorial board of acceptance, rejection of an article or send it back for revision the authors report the results of the review.

 The original article, the supporting documents sent to the editorial board is not required!

3. The authors should send the final version of the paper with all the corrections made and information about the author and the organization in which they work, as well as to attach a scanned version of the license agreement on the transfer of copyright after the adoption of the article in print.

The form of the license agreement can be downloaded here. The license agreement has to be signed by all the authors, scanned and sent to the editor as a pdf-file. Warning, the conclusion of the author's contract is mandatory in accordance with applicable law. Article will not be accepted for publication if the author is not a contract!

Additional information materials and documents

Rules for authors (Pdf) 

Code of ethics of scientific publishing

The form of the license agreement with the author (doc) (Russian only)

Instructions for submitting an article in the journal "Chemistry of plant raw material" with OJS (Pdf) (Russian only)

Guide the review article in the journal "Chemistry of plant raw material" with OJS (Pdf) (Russian only)